Smart, PalieBessant, JohnGupta, Abhishek2007-10-262007-10-262007Smart P, Bessant J, Gupta A. (2007) Towards technological rules for designing innovation networks: a dynamic capabilities view. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Volume 27, Issue 10, pp. 1069-10920144-3577 innovation networks provide opportunities to exploit complementary resources that reside beyond the boundary of the firm. The shifting locus of innovation and value creation away from the “sole firm as innovator” poses important questions about the nature of these resources and the capabilities needed to leverage them for competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to describe research into producing design-oriented knowledge, for configuring inter-organizational networks as a means of accessing such resources for innovation.290799 bytesapplication/pdfenDesign and developmentInnovationNetworkingPharmaceutical technologyTowards technological rules for designing innovation networks: a dynamic capabilities viewArticle