Ajai, O.Tiwari, AshutoshAlcock, Jeffrey R.Rajkumar RoyEssam Shehab2009-08-182009-08-1820092009-04-01O. Ajai, A. Tiwari, J. R. Alcock, Informatics-Based Product-Service Systems for Point-of-Care Devices, Proceedings of the 1st CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2) Conference, Cranfield University, 1-2 April 2009. pp94978-0-9557436-5-8http://hdl.handle.net/1826/3601Organised by: Cranfield UniversityInformatics related to point-of-care devices denotes the ability to translate stand-alone biological data into meaningful information that can be interpreted to enable and support users in taking the most appropriate steps to aid in managing their health. This paper considers small point-of-care devices used outside healthcare environments, and presents glucometers as an example. The paper seeks to evaluate the current level of servitization of point-of-care testing devices and considers whether they are, or could form, the product-core of a product-service system. The type of product-service system, its informatics requirements, and the services such a system could provide are also considered.Copyright: Cranfield University, 2009InformaticsPoint-of-care testingMedical DevicePSSProduct-Service SystemInformatics-Based Product-Service Systems for Point-of-Care DevicesConference paper