Mondal, SabyasachiTsourdos, Antonios2024-06-202024-06-202024-05-22Mondal S, Tsourdos A. (2024) Bipartite consensus of nonlinear agents with actuator fault. In: 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL), 10-12 April 2024, Winchester, UK, pp. 301-306979-8-3503-7427-82831-5219 paper introduces a bipartite consensus controller to address the challenge of achieving consensus among nonlinear agents, particularly when actuator faults are present, leading to significant obstacles. To tackle this issue, the controller is developed by adapting the Distributed Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (DNDI) technique, thereby accommodating the impact of actuator faults. The randomness of the actuator the fault is taken into account to reflect real-world conditions. The the paper also furnishes comprehensive mathematical insights into the convergence of the fault-tolerant controller, establishing a robust theoretical foundation. An extensive array of simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed controller effectively manages actuator faults, leading to the successful attainment of bipartite consensus.en-UKAttribution 4.0 International toleranceFault tolerant systemsRobustnessNonlinear dynamical systemsConvergenceBipartite consensus of nonlinear agents with actuator faultConference paper979-8-3503-7426-12766-6522