Megherbi, NajlaHan, JiwanBreckon, Toby P.Flitton, Greg T.2024-03-252024-03-252013-02-21Megherbi N, Han J, Breckon TP. Flitton GT. (2021) A comparison of classification approaches for threat detection in CT based baggage screening. In2012 19th IEEE international conference on image processing, 30 September - 3 October 2012, Orlando, USA, pp. 3109-3112978-1-4673-2534-91522-4880 Tomography (CT) based baggage security screening systems are of increasing use in transportation security. The ability to automatically identify potential threat item is a key aspect of current research in this area. Here we present a comparison of varying classification approaches for the automated detection of threat objects in cluttered 3D CT imagery from such security screening systems. By combining 3D medical image segmentation techniques with 3D shape classification and retrieval methods we compare five varying final classification stage approaches and present significant performance achievements in the automated detection of specified exemplar items.en-UKAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International security3D medical image segmentation3D Zernike descriptorshistogram of shape indexautomated classification3D object recognitionA comparison of classification approaches for threat detection in CT based baggage screeningConference paper978-1-4673-2533-22381-8549