Jagtap, SandeepSkouteris, GeorgeChoudhari, VilendraRahimifard, ShahinDuong, Linh Nguyen Khanh2021-03-222021-03-222021-03-18Jagtap S, Skouteris G, Choudhari V, et al., (2021) An Internet of Things approach for water efficiency: a case study of the beverage factory. Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 6, March 2021, Article number 33432071-1050https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063343https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/16492There is a lack of knowledge among food manufacturers about adopting the Internet of Things (IoT)-based water monitoring system and its ability to support water minimisation activities. It is therefore necessary to investigate the applicability of IoT-based real-time water monitoring systems in a real food manufacturing environment to pursue water-saving opportunities accordingly. This article aims to propose an architecture of an IoT-based water-monitoring system needed for real-time monitoring of water usage, and address any water inefficiencies within food manufacturing. This article looks at a study conducted in a food beverage factory where an IoT-based real-time water monitoring system is implemented to analyse the complete water usage in order to devise solutions and address water overconsumption/wastage during the manufacturing process. The successful implementation of an IoT-based real-time water monitoring system offered the beverage factory a detailed analysis of the water consumption and insights into the water hotspots that needed attention. This action initiated several water-saving project opportunities, which contributed to the improvement of water sustainability and led to an 11% reduction in the beverage factory’s daily water usageenAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/recovery and reusewaste reductionwater sustainabilityfood beverage industrywater monitoring systemInternet of ThingsAn Internet of Things approach for water efficiency: a case study of the beverage factoryArticle