Lazarus, Samuel B.Shanmugavel, MadhavanTsourdos, AntoniosZbikowski, RafalWhite, Brian A.2011-09-292011-09-292008-06-04Lazarus, S.B., Shanmugavel, M., Tsourdos, A., Zbikowski, R., White, B.A., Airborne mapping of complex obstacles using 2D Splinegon, American Control Conference, 11-13 June 2008, Seattle, WA, pp1238-1243.978-142442079-70743-1619 paper describes a recently proposed algorithm in mapping the unknown obstacle in a stationary environment where the obstacles are represented as curved in nature. The focus is to achieve a guaranteed performance of sensor based navigation and mapping. The guaranteed performance is quantified by explicit bounds of the position estimate of an autonomous aerial vehicle using an extended Kalman filter and to track the obstacle so as to extract the map of the obstacle. This Dubins path planning algorithm is used to provide a flyable and safe path to the vehicle to fly from one location to another. This description takes into account the fact that the vehicle is made to fly around the obstacle and hence will map the shape of the obstacle using the 2D-Splinegon technique. This splinegon technique, the most efficient and a robust way to estimate the boundary of a curved nature obstacles, can provide mathematically provable performance guarantees that are achievable in practice.© 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other worksAirborne mapping of complex obstacles using 2D SplinegonConference paper