Grasso, MarzioXu, Yigeng2022-10-192022-10-192022-10-11Grasso M, Xu Y. (2022) Threshold identification and damage characterization of woven gf/cf composites under low-velocity impact. Journal of Composites Science, Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2022, Article number 3052504-477X Delamination Threshold Load (DTL) is a key parameter representing damage resistance of a laminate and is normally identified by locating a sudden drop in the impact force-time history for the laminate made of unidirectional layers. For the woven composite, however, their failure mechanisms appear different and the current literature is not providing any clear procedure regarding the identification of the delamination initiation, as well as the evolution of the failure mechanisms associated with it. In this paper, experimental data have been collected using woven glass and carbon fiber composites. The results are analyzed in terms of force-time and force-displacement curves. While delamination and other damages were clearly observed using ultrasonic scans, the analysis of the results does not reveal any trend changes of the curves that can be associated with the incipient nucleation of delamination. A preliminary discussion regarding the nature of the mechanisms through which the delamination propagates in woven composite and a justification for the absence of a sudden change of the stiffness have been presented. It raises a question on the existence of DTL for woven composites under low velocity impact.en© Cranfield University, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.Attribution 4.0 International velocity impactwoven compositedelaminationThreshold identificationThreshold identification and damage characterization of woven gf/cf composites under low-velocity impactArticle