Dicken, AnthonyEvans, J. Paul O.Rogers, KeithProkopiou, DanaeGodber, SimonElarnaut, F.Shevchuk, AlexDownes, D.Wilson, M.2019-07-192019-07-192019-07-01Dicken AJ, Evans JP, Rogers KD, et al., Confocal energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction tomography employing a conical shell beam. Optics Express, Volume 27, Issue 14, 2019, pp. 19834-198411094-4087https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.019834http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/14367We introduce a new high-energy X-ray diffraction tomography technique for volumetric materials characterization. In this method, a conical shell beam is raster scanned through the samples. A central aperture optically couples the diffracted flux from the samples onto a pixelated energy-resolving detector. Snapshot measurements taken during the scan enable the construction of depth-resolved dark-field section images. The calculation of dspacing values enables the mapping of material phase in a volumetric image. We demonstrate our technique using five ~15 mm thick, axially separated samples placed within a polymer tray of the type used routinely in airport security stations. Our method has broad analytical utility due to scalability in both scan size and X-ray energy. Additional application areas include medical diagnostics, materials science, and process controlenAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Confocal energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction tomography employing a conical shell beamArticle