Shin, Hyo-SangTsourdos, AntoniosLo, Chang How2016-10-172016-10-172015-08 AerialVehicles (UAV) has historically shown to be unreliable when compared to their manned counterparts. Part of the reason is they may not be able to a ord the redundancies required to handle faults from system or cost constraints. This research explores instances when actuator fault handling may be improved with integrated approaches for small UAVs which have limited actuator redundancy. The research started with examining the possibility of handling the case where no actuator redundancy remains post fault. Two fault recovery schemes, combing control allocation and hardware means, for a Quad Rotor UAV with no redundancy upon fault event are developed to enable safe emergency landing. Inspired by the integrated approach, a proposed integrated actuator control scheme is developed, and shown to reduce the magnitude of the error dynamics when input saturation faults occur. Geometrical insights to the proposed actuator scheme are obtained. Simulations using an Aerosonde UAV model with the proposed scheme showed significant improvements to the fault tolerant stuck fault range and improved guidance tracking performance. While much research literature has previously been focused on the controller to handle actuator faults, fault tolerant guidance schemes may also be utilized to accommodate the fault. One possible advantage of using fault tolerant guidance is that it may consider the fault degradation e ects on the overall mission. A fault tolerant guidance reconfiguration method is developed for a path following mission. The method provides an additional degree of freedom in design, which allows more flexibility to the designer to meet mission requirements. This research has provided fresh insights into the handling UAV extremal actuator faults through integrated approaches. The impact of this work is to expand on the possibilities a practitioner may have for improving the fault handling capabilities of a UAV.en© Cranfield University, 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.Integrated approaches to handle UAV actuator faultThesis or dissertation