Grenyer, AlexSchwabe, Oliverahmet Erkoyuncu, JohnZhao, Yifan2024-06-072024-06-072022-01-24Grenyer, Alex; Schwabe, Oliver; Erkoyuncu, John ahmet; Zhao, Yifan (2022). Data relating to: "Multistep prediction of dynamic uncertainty under limited data" (2022). Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. file: Symmetry trends used to establish correlation factorExcel file: Forecast method comparisonPowerPoint file: Figures in manuscriptPowerPoint file: Figures from additional simulationsMATLAB files to run the app and readme txt with instructionsCC BY 4.0'long-short term memory network (LSTM)''Multistep''Prediction Analysis''Spatial geometry''Uncertainty Analysis''Manufacturing Engineering not elsewhere classified''Statistics''Applied Statistics''Statistics not elsewhere classified'Data relating to: "Multistep prediction of dynamic uncertainty under limited data" (2022)Dataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.14381987