Goulos, IoannisMacManus, DavidHueso Rebassa, JosepTejero, FernandoAu, AndySheaf, Christopher2024-02-212024-02-212024-02-01Goulos I, MacManus D, Rebassa JH, et al., (2024) Impact of installation on the performance of an aero-engine exhaust at wind-milling flow conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 146, Issue 8, August 2024, Article number 081002. Paper number GTP-23-15400742-4795https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4063939https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/20858This paper presents a numerical investigation of the effect of wing integration on the aerodynamic behavior of a typical large civil aero-engine exhaust system at wind-milling flow conditions. The work is based on the dual stream jet propulsion (DSJP) test rig, as will be tested within the transonic wind tunnel (TWT) located at the aircraft research association (ARA) in the UK. The DSJP rig was designed to measure the impact of the installed pressure field due to the effect of the wing on the aerodynamic performance of separate-jet exhausts. The rig is equipped with the dual separate flow reference nozzle (DSFRN), installed under a swept wing. Computational fluid dynamic simulations were carried out for representative ranges of fan and core nozzle pressure ratios (CNPR) for “engine-out” wind-milling scenarios at end of runway (EOR) takeoff, diversion, and cruise conditions. Analyses were done for both isolated and installed configurations to quantify the impact of the installed pressure field on the fan and core nozzle discharge coefficients. The impact of fan and core nozzle pressure ratios, as well as freestream Mach number and high-lift surfaces on the installed suppression effect, was also evaluated. It is shown that the installed pressure field can reduce the fan nozzle discharge coefficient by up to 16%, relative to the isolated configuration for EOR wind-milling conditions. The results were used to inform the design and setup of the experimental activity which is planned for 2023.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Impact of installation on the performance of an aero-engine exhaust at wind-milling flow conditionsArticle