Vincent, AbhayPervier, MariePervier, Hugo2024-05-102024-05-102023-06-06Vincent, Abhay; Pervier, Hugo; Pervier, Marie (2023). Test Matrix Condition 1 Tests - ERICE. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Media. item contains the condition 1 tests conducted under ERICE. These tests were done at 60k RPM of the turbocharger and were only to observe the ice accretion and no scrape tests were performed for tests in these conditions. The item includes the following data: 1) Labview files (x8) - '.lvm' format (read with MS Excel) 2) Video files (x8) - '.mkv' format 3) README txt file (x1) - explaining the headers for the labview data and the instrumentation involved - Test 1 refers to Wearlon sample; Test 2 refers to AA Fsmooth sample; Test 3 refers to Al sample; Test 4 refers to AA F75 sample; Test 5 refers to Thin SAA + TCS sample; Test 6 refers to Thin SAA + PTFE; Test 7 refers to Xylan sample; Test 8 refers to WSAA Fsmooth sampleCC BY 4.0'ice protection''Ice Adhesion Strength''Air cycle machine''Condition 1''visualization'Test Matrix Condition 1 Tests - ERICEMedia10.17862/cranfield.rd.21230813.v1