Aitken, JamesDeakins, EricSkipworth, HeatherCole, Rosanna2024-06-032024-06-032024-05-06Aitken J, Deakins E, Skipworth H, Cole R. (2024) Temporal perceptions and tensions in production management. European Management Journal, Available online 6 May 20240263-2373 study, through conducting a micro-level analysis of temporal dimensions, identified divergent temporalities between managers who establish temporal practices, and operators who work within the established norms. Data collected from three organizations experiencing production-related temporal operating tensions were triangulated across a survey, semi-structured interviews and observations and supported by secondary data. Four temporal operating tensions, that reflect gaps between managerial and operator temporal understandings, were identified: Efficiency versus Effectiveness; Process Standardization versus Process Improvement; Synchronization versus Autonomy; and Control versus Flexibility. This research identifies resulting temporal operating tensions and potential mitigation approaches at the junction of managerial practices and operator activities, illustrating the importance of understanding tensions at the micro-level.en-UKAttribution 4.0 International dimensionsTemporal operating tensionsMitigation strategiesProduction managementCase studyTemporal perceptions and tensions in production managementArticle