Maklan, StanKnox, Simon2011-05-172011-05-172009-12-01Stan Maklan and Simon Knox, Dynamic capabilities: the missing link in CRM investments, European Journal of Marketing, 2009, Volume 43, Issue 11/12, Pages 1392-14100309-0566 purpose of this paper is to illustrate the practical application of dynamic capabilities theory to improve investment decisions in customer relationship management (CRM). Design/methodology/approach – Action research (AR) allows managers to raise the tacit knowledge of their dynamic capabilities to a level where they can be identified and developed. A framework and a process for managing dynamic capabilities in marketing are presented. Findings – The findings relate to the nature of dynamic capabilities in marketing and how they are managed. Practical implications – Marketing managers can improve the return on investments in CRM. Originality/value – The paper presents a method for applying dynamic capabilities drawn from the resource-based view (RBV) to practical marketing pen-UKBuyer-seller relationshipsConsumer marketingCustomer satisfactionCustomer service managementProcess analysisDynamic capabilities: the missing link in CRM investmentsArticle