Goher, KamranShehab, EssamAl-Ashaab, Ahmed2021-09-022021-09-022020-04-03Goher K, Shehab E, Al-Ashaab A. (2020) Trends in model-based definition based assembly information in high-value manufacturing. In: 11th Model-Based Enterprise Summit (MBE 2020), 30 March - 3 April 2020, Gaithersburg, MD, USAhttps://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.AMS.100-29#page=109https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/170483D modelling is in use for the last many decades at various stages of the product lifecycle i.e., design, analysis, manufacturing, and inspection. In the modern era of Industry 4.0 where the high-value manufacturing industry is aiming at the digital thread, Model-Based Definition (MBD) has been considered as the heart of this transformation. However, MBD needs to be realized throughout the product lifecycle to get full advantage. In literature, considerable work has been found focusing on a shift from traditional 2D drawings to MBD. The majority of this work concentrates on design, manufacturing, and inspection stages, whereas, there is a lack of work in the area of MBD based assembly information. This paper focuses on the current state of knowledge in MBD based assembly information, trends, challenges, and future research directions.enmodel-based definitionmode-based enterpriseassembly informationTrends in model-based definition based assembly information in high-value manufacturingConference paper