Machado Santos Carvalho Neto, LeonorWilliams, StewartDavis, AlecKennedy, Jacob2024-06-072024-06-072023-11-14Machado Santos Carvalho Neto, Leonor; Williams, Stewart; Davis, Alec; Kennedy, Jacob (2023). Data: Effect of machine hammer peening conditions on β grain refinement of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset. data in this folder is a table with the average grain size according to variations of parameters studied. This information is given in the paper as a graphical representation and is here described to support any further studies.CC BY 4.0'Machine Hammer Peening''Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM)''microstructure''grain refinement''Mechanical properties''titanium alloys'Data: Effect of machine hammer peening conditions on β grain refinement of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4VDataset10.17862/cranfield.rd.24242437