Qian, BoHuang, MengmengXu, MengyiHong, Yuxiang2022-02-212022-02-212022-02-04Qian B, Huang M, Xu M, Hong Y. (2022) Internet use and quality of life: the multiple mediating effects of risk perception and internet addiction, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19, Issue 3, February 2022, Article number 17951661-7827https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031795http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/17588The impact of internet use on quality of life (QoL) has become an increasing focus of academic research. This paper aims to explore the internal influencing mechanisms of internet use (i.e., leisure-oriented internet use (LIU); work-oriented internet use (WIU)) on QoL, with a focus on the multiple mediating effects of risk perception and internet addiction. We constructed a theoretical framework from a psychological perspective and tested the hypotheses using hierarchical regression analysis with a sample of 1535 participants. The results showed that: (1) LIU had a positive effect on QoL, while WIU did not have a significant impact on QoL; (2) both risk perception and internet addiction had a negative influence on QoL; (3) risk perception positively impacted internet addiction; (4) risk perception and internet addiction had multiple mediating effects on the relationship between internet use and QoL.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/quality of lifeinternet userisk perceptioninternet addictionmultiple mediating effectsInternet use and quality of life: the multiple mediating effects of risk perception and internet addictionArticle1661-7827