Hu, WenxiuWei, ZhuangkunLeeson, MarkXu, Tianhua2023-01-162023-01-162022-12-14Hu W, Wei Z, Leeson M, Xu T. (2022) Eavesdropping against bidirectional physical layer secret key generation in fiber communications. In: 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 13-17 November 2022, Vancouver, BC, Canada978-1-6654-3488-12374-0140 layer secret key exploits the random but reciprocal channel features between legitimate users to encrypt their data against fiber-tapping. We propose a novel tapping-based eavesdropper scheme, leveraging its tapped signals from legitimate users to reconstruct their common features and the secret key.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International secret key generationphysical layer securityfiber communicationsEavesdropping against bidirectional physical layer secret key generation in fiber communicationsConference paper978-1-6654-3487-4