Turns, David2021-06-112021-06-112015-07-31Turns D. (2015) The first case of cyberwar in non-international armed conflict? The matrix in Iraq. ASIL Insights, Volume 19, Issue 18, Onlinehttps://www.asil.org/insights/volume/19/issue/18/first-case-cyberwar-non-international-armed-conflict-matrix-iraqhttp://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/16753The multi-faction insurgency that has been tearing Iraq apart ever since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003 has often involved the use of such crude and indiscriminate methods and means of warfare as the suicide bomb and the improvised explosive device. But in mid-2014 there were reports that some aspects of the armed conflict had risen to unexpected heights of contemporary sophistication, with the apparent use of cyberspace as a domain for hostilities.enThe first case of cyberwar in non-international armed conflict? The matrix in IraqArticle