Andre, DanielWelsh, RichardFinnis, Mark2023-04-192023-04-192023-02-07Andre D, Welsh R, Finnis M. (2023) Laboratory multistatic polarimetric 3D SAR. In: IET Radar 2022: International Conference on Radar Systems, Murrayfield Stadium, 24-27 October 2022, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK978-1-83953-777-6 the advent of constellations of SAR satellites, and the possibility of swarms of SAR UAV's, there is increased interest in multistatic SAR image formation. This may provide advantages including allowing three-dimensional image formation free of clutter overlay; the coherent combination of bistatic SAR geometries for improved image resolution; the collection of additional scattering information, including polarimetric. The polarimetric collection may provide useful target information, such as its orientation, polarizability or number of interactions with the radar signal; distributed receivers would be more likely to capture any bright specular responses from targets in the scene, making target outlines distinct. Highlight results from multistatic polarimetric SAR experiments at the Cranfield University GBSAR laboratory are presented, illustrating the utility of the approach.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International multistatic polarimetric 3D SARConference paper