Tejero, FernandoMacManus, David G.Matesanz García, JesúsSwarthout, AverySheaf, Christopher2022-03-302022-03-302022-03-30Tejero F, MacManus D, Matesanz-Garcia J, et al., (2022) Towards the design and optimisation of future compact aero-engines: intake/fancowl trade-off investigation. In: AERO2022: 56th 3AF International Conference, 28-30 March 2022, Toulouse, Francehttps://www.3af-aerodynamics.com/https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/17710Relative to in-service aero-engines, the bypass ratio of future civil architectures may increase further. If traditional design rules are applied to these new configurations and the housing components are scaled then it is expected that the overall weight, nacelle drag and the effects of aircraft integration will increase. For this reason, the next generation of civil turbofan engines may use compact nacelles to maximise the benefits from the new engine cycles. This paper presents a multi-level design and optimisation process for future civil aero-engines. An initial set of multi-point, multi-objective optimisations for axisymmetric configurations are carried out to identify the trade-off between intake and fancowl bulk parameters of highlight radius and nacelle length on nacelle drag. Having identified the likely optimal part of the design space, a set of computationally expensive optimisations for 3D non-axisymmetric configurations are performed. The process includes cruise- and windmilling-type operating conditions to ensure aerodynamic robustness of the downselected configurations. Relative to a conventional aero-engine nacelle, the developed process yielded a compact aero-engine configuration with mid-cruise drag reduction of approximately 1.6% of the nominal standard net thrust.enAttribution 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Towards the design and optimisation of future compact aero-engines: intake/fancowl trade-off investigationConference paper