Kakabadse, Nada K.Kakabadse, Andrew P.Lee-Davies, Linda2007-10-172007-10-172005-04Kakabadse N, Kakabadse A, Lee-Davies L. (2005) Visioning the pathway: a leadership process model. European Management Journal, Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2005, pp. 237-2460263-2373http://hdl.handle.net/1826/1916http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2005.02.002This paper sets out to develop a visioning process management model and clarify the visionary/visioning leadership portfolio of skills. By defining and examining visioning from a wide range of current and classic texts a series of key themes emerge. These are incorporated in, and indeed help make up, the Visioning Process Model, which not only outlines the make up of the positive Visioning Process, but also clearly shows the effect and pathway of its opposite - the Divisioning effect. The two vertical pathways meet at the point of the leader's choice and it is demonstrated how this choice has a number of knock-on effects and creates residual causal loops of either a virtuous or vicious nature depending on the direction taken.129389 bytesapplication/pdfenLeadershipVisionVisioningLeadership choiceDirectionVisioning the pathway: a leadership process modelArticle