Drikakis, DimitrisShapiro, EvgeniyBenke, Matyas2011-06-222011-06-222010-09http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/5548This thesis concerns the numerical simulation of dilute macromolecular solutions. Present work details the development of a novel mesoscale simulation method. The developed modeling approach is capable to describe both the macroscopic flow field of the carrier liquid and the micromechanical behaviour of the transported large molecules. In this modeling method, the concept of micromechanical structures is introduced in order to represent macromolecules. The motion of the considered mechanical structures is governed by forces arising from the motion of the bulk fluid phase and microscopic forces arising from stochastic Brownian motion of the solvent molecules. This document presents the motivation, the objectives and systematic steps of the model development. The work presents detailed discussion, verification and validation of the developed modeling method.en© Cranfield University 2010. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright owner.Mesoscale modelling and simulation of macromolecule transport in microfludic channelsThesis or dissertation