Schelp, PriscillaSkipworth, HeatherAktas, EmelVieth, Beate2024-12-132024-12-132024Schelp P, Skipworth H, Aktas E, Vieth B. (2024) Supply Chain Disruptions and Stock Prices: The effects of hurricane-induced disruptions on company stock price. Chapter 6 - Conclusions, Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (PSLSCM), Springer, pp. 83-889783031688843 chapter concludes the book, summarising key takeaways for both practitioners and academics on managing Hurricane-Related Risks based on our research findings. The summary encapsulates the critical outcomes of our research, shedding light on the intricate relationship between hurricanes, supply chain disruptions, and firm performance. Our study draws from a diverse range of academic sources, offering profound insights into the imperative of proactive management and transparent communication during hurricane-induced supply chain disruptions.pp. 83-88Publisher licence35 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services3502 Banking, Finance and Investment3507 Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour3509 Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chains46 Information and Computing Sciences4609 Information SystemsSupply Chain Disruptions and Stock Prices: Chapter 6 - ConclusionsBook chapter559346