Zhang, GangZhang, FengMeng, KeZhang, XinDong, Zhaoyang2020-01-292020-01-292020-01-15Zhang G, Zhang F, Meng K, et al., (2020) A fixed-point based distributed method for energy flow calculation in multi-energy systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume 11, Issue 4, October 2020, pp. 2567-25801949-3029https://doi.org/10.1109/TSTE.2020.2966737http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/15042Multi-energy flow calculation (M-EFC) is an essential tool for the coordinated analysis of strongly coupled electricity-gas-heating systems. However, the separate management of these subsystems poses a considerable challenge for designing a fast and reliable M-EFC method. In this paper, a fixed-point based distributed method is proposed for the M-EFC problem. The proposed method can preserve the autonomy of subsystems due to limited information exchange during the solution process. Moreo-ver, the fast and reliable convergence is achieved according to the proposed sufficient conditions based on the fixed-point theory. Besides, the proposed method is availa-ble for multi-energy systems (MES) with various coupling relationships and different structures of information ex-change. Simulations on a MES demonstrate that the pro-posed method has remarkable superiority compared to the unified Newton-Raphson method in computation time, accuracy and robustness against data loss.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/Distributed methodenergy flow calculationfixed-pointhigh-order nonlinear equationmulti-energy systemA fixed-point based distributed method for energy flow calculation in multi-energy systemsArticle