Graves, Anil R.Burgess, Paul J.Liagre, F.Dupraz, C.2017-04-212017-04-212017-03-01A.R. Graves, P. J. Burgess, F. Liagre and C. Dupraz. Farmer perception of benefits, constraints and opportunities for silvoarable systems: preliminary insights from Bedfordshire, England. Outlook On Agriculture, 2017, Vol 46, Issue 1, pp74-830030-7270 agroforestry integrates the use of trees and arable crops on the same area of land, and such systems can be supported by national governments under the European Union’s (EU) Rural Development Regulations (2014–2020). In order to improve the understanding of farmers’ perceptions of such systems, detailed face-to-face interviews were completed with 15 farmers in Bedfordshire, England. Most of these farmers thought that silvoarable systems would not be profitable on their farms and that benefits would tend to be environmental or social rather than economic. Most farmers also thought that management and use of machinery would become more difficult. They felt that the tree component could potentially disrupt field operations and drainage and expressed concerns over the uncertain and long-term nature of timber revenue and the effect of intercrop yield reductions on crop revenue. Even so, 20% of the farmers stated they would use silvoarable systems if convinced that they were more profitable than conventional arable farming. A further 20% said they would farm the intercrop area belonging to someone else, if the rent was reduced to compensate for crop yield reductions. These results suggest that for most arable farmers, an economic advantage over current practice needs to exist before silvoarable systems are likely to be adopted. However, a minority might rent the crop component of a silvoarable system from another party or implement a full system for perceived environmental or social benefits.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International surveyFarmer perception of benefits, constraints and opportunities for silvoarable systems: preliminary insights from Bedfordshire, EnglandArticle