Alenezi, AbdullahEmmanouilidis, ChristosAl-Ashaab, Ahmed2019-09-302019-09-302018-12-31Alenezi A, Emmanouilidis C, Al-Ashaab A, Knowledge management to support learning analytics in Higher Education. 2018 IEEE 5th International Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt), 21-27 October 2018, Marrakech, Morocco.978-1-5386-4385-32327-1884 paper argues based on evidence from the literature that learning analytics, when undertaken by higher education institutions, is not considered within a holistic knowledge management strategy, which could provide significant improvement to the outcomes of learning analytics. Particularly, a synthesis of knowledge extraction via learning analytics and appropriate handling of such knowledge via knowledge management is not typically implemented in higher education practices, but it constitutes a promising path to improving it, and eventually contributes to improving learning services. Essentially, knowledge management can support improvements and innovation in analytics tools, translate an organisation's strategic vision into action, and enable sharing of information among different actors. These are all necessary requirements for effective learning analytics.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International managementlearning serviceslearning analyticsKnowledge management to support learning analytics in Higher EducationConference paper