Joesbury, AdamColegrove, Paul A.Van Rymenant, PatrickAyre, DavidGanguly, SupriyoWilliams, Stewart W.2017-09-082017-09-082017-08-24Joesbury AM, Colegrove PA, Van Rymenant P, et al., (2018) Weld-bonded stainless steel to carbon fibre-reinforced plastic joints. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 251, January 2018, pp. 241-2500924-0136 paper investigates a resistance spot welded reinforced adhesive (weld-bonded) joint between 304 stainless steel to carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP), where welds are made both with and without the reinforcing carbon fibres present. Successful welds with the fibres present could only be produced with high electrode pinch forces, which helped reduce contamination of the weld nugget. Similar joint strengths were achieved in both cases, however the joints without fibres exhibited an increased strain to failure. Both joints were significantly stronger than either an adhesive joint or a comparable bolt reinforced adhesive joint. These techniques provide an alternative for joining thin metallic components to CFRP structures where increased strength and integrity is required.enAttribution 4.0 International metal joiningCFRPWeld-bondingSpot-weldingWeld-bonded stainless steel to carbon fibre-reinforced plastic jointsArticle18419000