Mahmood, TashfeenJackson, Anthony J. B.Sethi, VishalKhanal, BidurAli, Fakhre2018-03-092019-03-092017-12-25Mahmood T, Jackson AJB, Sethi Vi et al., (2018) CFD investigation of a core-mounted-target-type thrust reverser, Part 1: reverser stowed configuration. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 140, Issue 9, September 2018, Article number 0912040742-4795 the second half of the 90's, NASA performed experimental investigations on six novel Thrust Reverser designs; Core Mounted Target Type Thrust Reverser (CMTTTR) design is one of them. To assess the CMTTTR efficiency and performance, NASA conducted several wind tunnel tests at Sea Level Static conditions. The results from these experiments are used in this paper series to validate the CFD results. This paper is part one of the three-part series; Part 1 and 2 discusses the CMTTTR in stowed and deployed configurations, all analysis in the first two papers are performed at SLS conditions. Part3 discusses the CMTTTR in the forward flight condition. The key objectives of this paper are: first, to perform the 3D CFD analysis of the reverser in stowed configuration; all analyses are performed at SLS condition. The second objective is to validate the acquired CFD results against the experimental data provided by NASA[1]. The third objective is to verify the fan and overall engine net thrust values acquired from the aforementioned CFD analyses against those derived based on 1-D engine performance simulations. The fourth and final objective is to examine and discuss the overall flow physics associated with the CMTTTR under stowed configuration. To support the successful implementation of the overall investigation, full-scale 3DCAD models are created, representing a fully integrated GE90 engine, B777 wing, and pylon configuration. Overall a good agreement is found between the CFD and test results; the difference between the two was less than 5%.enAttribution 4.0 International investigation of a core-mounted-target-type thrust reverser, Part 1: reverser stowed configurationArticle