Adaptive backstepping nonsingular terminal sliding-mode attitude control of flexible airships with actuator faults
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This paper studies the attitude tracking control of a flexible airship subjected to wind disturbances, actuator saturation and control surface faults. Efficient flexible airship models, including elastic deformation, rigid body motions, and their coupling, are established via Lagrange theory. A fast-nonsingular terminal sliding-mode (NTSM) combined with a backstepping control is proposed for the problem. The benefits of this approach are NTSM merits of high robustness, fast transient response, and finite time convergence, as well as the backstepping control in terms of globally asymptotic stability. However, the major limitation of the backstepping NTSM is that its design procedure is dependent on the prior knowledge of the bound values of the disturbance and faults. To overcome this limitation, a wind observer is designed to compensate for the effect of the wind disturbances, an anti-windup compensator is designed to compensate for actuator saturation, and an adaptive fault estimator is designed to estimate the faults of the control surfaces. Globally exponential stability of the closed-loop control system is guaranteed by using the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, simulation results demonstrate effectiveness and advantages of the proposed control for the Skyship-500 flexible airship, even in the presence of unknown wind disturbances, control surface faults, and different stiffness variants.