4DT generator and guidance system
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This thesis describes a 4D Trajectories Generator and Guidance system. 4D trajectory is a concept that will improve the capacity, efficiency and safety of airspace. First a 4D trajectories synthetizer design is proposed. A flight plan composed by a set of waypoints, aircraft dynamics model and a set of limits and constraints are assembled into an optimal control problem. Optimal solution is found by making use of an optimal control solver which uses pseudo spectral parametrization together with a generic nonlinear programming solver. A 4D Trajectories generator is implemented as a stand-alone application and combined with a graphic user interface to give rise to 4D Trajectories Research Software (4DT RS) capable to generate, compare and test optimal trajectories. A basic Tracking & Guidance system with proportional navigation concept is developed. The system is implemented as a complementary module for the 4D trajectories research software. Simulation tests have been carried out to demonstrate the functionalities and capabilities of the 4DT RS software and guidance system. Tests cases are based on fuel and time optimization on a high-traffic commercial route. A standard departure procedure is optimized in order to reduce the noise perceived by village’s population situated near airport. The tracking & guidance module is tested with a commercial flight simulator for demonstrating the performance of the optimal trajectories generated by the 4DT RS software.