Determination of Residual Stress Distributions in Autofrettaged Thick Cylinders
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High pressure vessels such as gun barrels are autofrettaged in order to increase their operating pressure and fatigue life. Autofrettage causes plastic expansion of the inner section of the cylinder – setting up residual compressive stresses at the bore after relaxation. Subsequent application of pressure has to overcome these compressive stresses before tensile stresses can be developed, thereby increasing its fatigue lifetime and safe working pressure. A series of Finite Element (FE) models of hydraulic autofrettage were created, to establish the correct boundary conditions required and means of developing accurate but computationally efficient models. Close agreement was observed between the solutions obtained from the developed models and those from existing analytical and numerical models. These initial models used a simplistic bi- linear stress-strain material representation; this deficiency was then addressed through the development of two means of creating radial position dependent non-linear material behaviour within FE, crucial for accurate prediction of residual stresses. The first utilised a method of altering the elastic properties of the material to achieve nonlinear stress-strain response. This provided accurate results that compared well with existing methods, but was unable to be used in simulation of swage autofrettage due to its elastic nature. The second method achieved non- linear behaviour through direct manipulation of the stress and plastic strain states of the FE model at a fundamental level. This was hence suitable for arbitrary loading procedures, including swage autofrettage. A swage-like model that applied deformation via a band of pressure was developed, to investigate the influence of localised loading and shear stresses that result on the residual stress field. A full model of swage autofrettage was then developed, which was optimised on the basis of accuracy and solution effort. It was then used to investigate the effects of various mandrel and contact parameters on the creation of residual stresses. The model is suitable for use in future optimisation studies of the swage autofrettage procedure.