PhD, EngD and MSc by research theses (SATM)
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Item Open Access 4DT generator and guidance system(Cranfield University, 2015-10) Amaro Carmona, Manuel Angel; Jia, HuaminThis thesis describes a 4D Trajectories Generator and Guidance system. 4D trajectory is a concept that will improve the capacity, efficiency and safety of airspace. First a 4D trajectories synthetizer design is proposed. A flight plan composed by a set of waypoints, aircraft dynamics model and a set of limits and constraints are assembled into an optimal control problem. Optimal solution is found by making use of an optimal control solver which uses pseudo spectral parametrization together with a generic nonlinear programming solver. A 4D Trajectories generator is implemented as a stand-alone application and combined with a graphic user interface to give rise to 4D Trajectories Research Software (4DT RS) capable to generate, compare and test optimal trajectories. A basic Tracking & Guidance system with proportional navigation concept is developed. The system is implemented as a complementary module for the 4D trajectories research software. Simulation tests have been carried out to demonstrate the functionalities and capabilities of the 4DT RS software and guidance system. Tests cases are based on fuel and time optimization on a high-traffic commercial route. A standard departure procedure is optimized in order to reduce the noise perceived by village’s population situated near airport. The tracking & guidance module is tested with a commercial flight simulator for demonstrating the performance of the optimal trajectories generated by the 4DT RS software.Item Open Access A framework to leverage human resources information system for business performance(Cranfield University, 2023-04) Sofi, Fadi; Fan, Ip-Shing; McLaughlin, PatrickPayroll is one of the earliest applications in the history of business information system. Despite the early start, Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is primarily perceived as an administration tool. Most business managers do not recognise the business potential of HRIS. This research is motivated to address this phenomenon by identifying key Information System (IS) factors and organisation characteristics and initiatives to enhance HRIS business potential. The study proposes that, with the appropriate skills and knowledge, Human Resource (HR) practitioners can effectively use HRIS data to contribute to greater business success. Similarly, through effective initiatives implemented by business line managers, HR practitioners would be more capable of unlocking the potential of HRIS. A qualitative approach is adopted in exploring the key IS success factors, assessing HR practitioners’ skills, and understanding the initiatives that line managers could implement. The field data of this study were collected from HR practitioners and business line managers who worked for large companies in the UK. The field study confirmed that HRIS has been mainly used in an administrative context, with limited business impact. The two reasons suggested are: 1) there are shortfalls in HR practitioners’ strategic, analytic, and business skills and knowledge; 2) deficiencies in the line managers’ initiatives to maintain a productive HR-line relationship, empower HR practitioners, and adopt business expectations regarding the HR role. The research proposes a HRIS implementation framework that includes key IS success factors, required characteristics and initiatives that help HR practitioners to use HRIS effectively and unlock their potential to contribute to business success. The framework was developed into a Readiness Assessment Checklist (RAC) tool and used successfully in the implementation planning of a HRIS project. The research successfully applied information systems adoption research theories to develop a new model that captures the characteristics of Human Resource Management business practice.Item Open Access A3 thinking approach to enhance a complaints handling process in the airline sector(Cranfield University, 2019-07) Alshahrani, Bader Mohammed; Al-Ashaab, Ahmed; McLaughlin, PatrickA prescription for the business success is a matter of concern for company management, researchers and policy makers. There is an ongoing debate regarding the key tools which can increase business efficiency. For example, one stream of research argued that focusing on short-term goals is enough to boost up business performance. On the other hand, another stream argued that companies should focus on long-term performance by emphasising the importance of continuous improvement to assure the delivery of business sustainability. From this point of view, researchers proposed that problem solving is the key for achieving continuous improvement. Problem solving approaches are essential for maintaining the customer service quality as high as possible given the fact that they (problem solving approaches) focus on preventing the reoccurrence of complaints from customers. However, researcher did not reach a consensus regarding the effectiveness of the ‘traditional’ approaches of problem solving (e.g. the 5 whys). As a result, this study develops an A3 Thinking approach for problem-solving in order to enhance the complaints handling process in the airline sector. This approach is validated by using case studies of Saudi Airlines. One of the main advantages of developing such an approach is that it enables the capture of subsequent provision of useful knowledge gained from each complaint, thus enabling the prevention of the reoccurrence of problems, and supporting decision- making. This study provided a valid evidence on the importance of handling customer complaints in different touchpoints during customer journey (pre-flight, on board and post-flight phases). This study found that breaking down customer journey to touchpoints help company management prevent the reoccurrence of customer complaints by increasing the efficiency of responding to customer complaints. The research contributes to the literature by providing a detailed explanation of the journey encountered by airline customers, and it contributes towards enhanced practitioner outcomes by developing a customised A3 Thinking approach for problem-solving in the airline sector based on a learning cycle.Item Open Access Active magnetic bearing for ultra precision flexible electronics production system(Cranfield University, 2015-12) Tantau, Mathias; Shore, Paul; Morantz, PaulRoll-to-roll printing on continuous plastic films could enable the production of flexible electronics at high speed and low cost, but the granularity of feature sizes is limited by the system accuracy. Technologies such as gravure printing and nanoimprint lithography demand a level of rotary motion precision that cannot be achieved with rolling element bearings. Manufacturing tolerances of the rotating parts, thermal drift and process forces in combination with structural compliance add up to additional error motions. In this master by research an active magnetic bearing (AMB) solution is designed for a new, super-sized roll-to-roll flexible electronics production machine, which was so far based on hydrostatic bearings. The magnetic bearing could actively compensate the accumulated synchronous error and maintain high accuracy under all conditions. However, the asynchronous error of a conventional AMB with the required size and power is a problem. In order to reduce the relatively high positioning uncertainty of active magnetic bearings an innovative radial position measurement based on linear, incremental encoders with optical conversion principle is proposed. A commercial encoder scanning head faces a round scale with concentric, coplanar lines on its face. By counting these lines the radial position can be measured. Because such a scale is not readily available, it is made by micro-machining. In experiments, different machining methods are compared. Then a magnetic bearing is built to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed sensor. As a result, the best measurement noise is 3.5nm at 10kHz and a position uncertainty of approximately 0.25µm has been achieved for the magnetic bearing. These promising results are especially interesting for applications with high precision requirements at low speed of rotation.Item Open Access Adhesive joint geometry variation in non-rigid aircraft structures(Cranfield University, 2019-11) Coladas Mato, Pablo; Webb, Phil; Xu, YigengAdhesive bonding is a proven alternative to mechanical fasteners for structural assembly, offering lighter and thus more fuel efficient aircraft and cost-effective manufacturing processes. The effective application of bonded structural assemblies is however limited by the tight fit-up requirement, which is with tolerance ranges of hundreds of microns; this can be a challenge for the industry to meet considering the variability of current part manufacturing methods and the conservative nature of the conventional tolerance stack-up analysis method. Such a (perceived) limitation can discourage effective exploitation of bonding technologies, or lead to development of overengineered solutions for assurance. This work addresses such challenge by presenting an enhanced bondline thickness variation analysis accounting for part deflection of a bonded skinstringer assembly representing a typical non-rigid airframe structure. A semianalytical model accounting for unilateral contact and simplified 1D adhesive flow has been developed to predict bondline thickness variation of the assembly given the adherends’ mechanical properties, adhesive rheological properties, and external assembly forces or boundary conditions. A spectral-analysis method for assembly force requirement estimation has also been tested. The bondline dimensions of several representative test articles have been interrogated, including a reconfigurable test assembly designed specifically to test the input conditions that affect bondline geometry variation. It has been demonstrated that the part deflections need to be accounted for regarding the fit-up requirement of bonded non-rigid structural assembly. The semi-analytical model has been found to more reliable and realistic prediction of bondline thickness when compared to a rigid tolerance stack-up. The analysis method presented can be a major technology enabler for faster, more economical development of the aircraft of the future, as well as of any analogue structures with high aspect ratios where weight savings and fatigue performance may be core objectives.Item Open Access Advanced carbon/flax/epoxy composite material for vehicle applications: vibration testing, finite elements modelling, mechanical and damping characterization.(Cranfield University, 2015-05) Ampatzidis, Theofanis; Blackburn, Kim; Abhyankar, HrushikeshNowadays, research in automotive and construction industries focuses on materials that offer low density along with superior dynamic and static performance. This goal has led to increasing use of composites in general, and carbon fibre (CF) composites in particular. CF composites have been adopted widely in the space industry and motorsports. However, their high stiffness and low density leads to low damping performance, which is responsible for increased levels of noise and reduction in service life. On the other hand, natural fibres (NF) like flax fibres (FF) are capable of delivering a much better damping performance. A hybrid composite comprising of FF and CF can potentially deliver both on strength and higher damping performance. In this study the mechanical and damping properties of CF, FF and their hybrid composites were examined. Composites' anisotropic nature affects their response to vibrations and so traditional damping experimental setups used for metals had to be ruled out. A damping set up based on Centre Impedance Method (CIM) was adopted for the purpose of this study which was based on an ISO standard originally developed for glass laminates. Standard tensile and flexural tests were conducted in order to characterise the performance of the hybrid composite. The experimental work was accompanied by finite elements analysis (FEA). The experimental data and FEA were used to optimize the hybrid structure layup with respect to damping and structural response.Item Open Access Advanced flow technologies for the controlled & continuous manufacture of nanoscale materials(Cranfield University, 2019) Isaev, Svetlin; Makatsoris, Charalampos (Harris)Batch processes have been successfully used in the process industry over two centuries. However, changing customer demands and discovery of novel products have led the scientists and engineers to develop new manufacturing methods for the process industry. High-value products such as nanomaterials, smart and functional materials require precise process control for the entire product. Controlling of particle size and shape becomes more difficult in the large scale batch processes. Therefore, over the past few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the flow processing techniques due to their inherent benefits, such as better heat and mass transfer and small control volumes. Continuous Oscillatory Baffled Reactor (COBR) is a novel type of flow reactor. COBR combines oscillatory motion and periodically placed baffled flow channels to generate plug flow conditions, providing better mixing control similar to microreactors. Plug flow conditions can be achieved with the combination of optimum net flow, oscillatory amplitude and frequency using COBRs. With this new reactor and mixing concept, high-value products can be manufactured more efficiently using uniform mixing conditions and better temperature control. This will decrease the reaction time and production cost of novel products, use less energy, and increase time-to-market of novel products. The aim of this research is to develop a scalable and continuous manufacturing platform using continuous oscillatory baffled reactors to produce high-value products in low cost. The focus of this study includes developing modular oscillatory baffled reactors, characterisation of modular oscillatory baffled reactors using experimental methods, developing scale-up methodology from laboratory scale to industrial production size and demonstration of nanomaterial synthesis using modular oscillatory flow reactor...[cont.]Item Open Access Advanced numerical methods for dissipative and non-dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics(Cranfield University, 2020-05) Townsend, Jamie F.; Könözsy, László Z. ; Jenkins, Karl W.High-energy physical phenomena such as astrophysical events and heavy-ion collisions contain a hydrodynamic aspect in which a branch of fluid dynamics called relativistic hydrodynamics (RHD) is required for its mathematical description. The resulting equations must be, more often than not, solved numerically for scientists to ascertain useful information regarding the fluid system in question. This thesis describes and presents a twodimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver for dissipative and non-dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics, i.e. in the presence and absence of physically resolved viscosity and heat conduction. The solver is based on a finite volume, Godunov-type, HighResolution Shock-Capturing (HRSC) framework, containing a plethora of numerical implementations such as high-order Weighted-Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) spatial reconstruction, approximate Riemann solvers and a third-order Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) Runge–Kutta method. The base numerical solver for the solution of non-dissipative RHD is extensively tested using a series of one-dimensional test cases, namely, a smooth flow problem and shock-tube configurations as well as the two-dimensional vortex sheet and Riemann problem test cases. For the case of non-dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics the relativistic CFD solver is found to perform well in terms of the orders of accuracy achieved and its ability to resolve shock wave patterns. Numerical pathologies have been identified when the relativistic HLLC Riemann solver is used in multi-dimensions for problems exhibiting strong shock waves. This is attributed to the so-called Carbuncle problem which is shown to occur because of pressure differencing within the process of restoring the missing contact discontinuity of its predecessor, the HLL Riemann solver. To avoid this numerical pathology and improve the robustness of numerical solutions that make use of the HLLC Riemann solver, the development of a rotated-hybrid Riemann solver arising from the hybridisation of the HLL and HLLC (or Rusanov and HLLC) approximate Riemann solvers is presented. A standalone application of the HLLC Riemann solver can produce spurious numerical artefacts when it is employed in conjunction with Godunov-type high-order methods in the presence of discontinuities. It has been found that a rotated-hybrid Riemann solver with the proposed HLL/HLLC (Rusanov/HLLC) scheme could overcome the difficulty of the spurious numerical artefacts and presents a robust solution for the Carbuncle problem. The proposed rotated-hybrid Riemann solver provides sufficient numerical dissipation to capture the behaviour of strong shock waves for relativistic hydrodynamics. Therefore, focus is placed on two benchmark test cases (odd-even decoupling and double-Mach reflection problems) and the investigation of two astrophysical phenomena, the relativistic Richtmyer– Meshkov instability and the propagation of a relativistic jet. In all presented test cases, the Carbuncle problem is shown to be eliminated by employing the proposed rotated-hybrid Riemann solver. This strategy is problem-independent, straightforward to implement and provides a consistent robust numerical solution when combined with Godunov-type highorder schemes for relativistic hydrodynamics...[cont.]Item Open Access Advanced uncertainty quantification with dynamic prediction techniques under limited data for industrial maintenance applications.(Cranfield University, 2021-07) Grenyer, Alex; Erkoyuncu, John Ahmet; Zhao, YifanEngineering systems are expected to function effectively whilst maintaining reliability in service. These systems consist of various equipment units, many of which are maintained on a corrective or time-based basis. Challenges to plan maintenance accounting for turnaround times, equipment availability and resulting costs manifest varying degrees of uncertainty stemming from multiple quantitative and qualitative (compound) sources throughout the in-service life. Under or over-estimating this uncertainty can lead to increased failure rates or, more often, unnecessary maintenance being carried out. As well as the quality availability of data, uncertainty is driven by the influence of expert experience or assumptions and environmental operating conditions. Accommodating for uncertainty requires the determination of key contributors, their influence on interconnected units and how this might change over time. This research aims to develop a modelling approach to quantify, aggregate and forecast uncertainty given by a combination of historic equipment data and heuristic estimates for in-service engineering systems. Research gaps and challenges are identified through a systematic literature review and supported by a series of surveys and interviews with industrial practitioners. These are addressed by the development of two frameworks: (1) quantify and aggregate compound uncertainty, and (2) predict uncertainty under limited data. The two frameworks are brought together to produce the Multistep Compound Dynamic Uncertainty Quantification (MCDUQ) app, developed in MATLAB. Results demonstrate effective measurement of compound uncertainties and their impact on system reliability, along with robust predictions under limited data with an immersive visualisation of dynamic uncertainty. The embedded frameworks are each validated through implementation in two case studies. The app is verified with industrial experts through a series of interviews and virtual demonstrations.Item Open Access Aero-propulsive performance assessment approach to boundary layer ingestion aircraft(Cranfield University, 2023-04) Moirou, Nicolas G. M.; Laskaridis, Panagiotis; Sanders, Drewan S.A promising solution towards more sustainable and efficient aircraft propulsion relies upon the ingestion of the boundary layer flow that develops around the airframe. Amongst the plethora of concepts, the propulsive fuselage concept appears to be the most pragmatic configuration, as a direct adoption of conventional tube-and-wing aircraft, which has an additional propulsor integrated around its tail. Nonetheless, there is a lack of consensus in the quantification and interpretation of the performance of such vehicles. Long-established momentum-based bookkeeping schemes break down as their underlying assumptions do not hold true in highly-integrated airframe-propulsion systems. Alternative approaches have been brought forth by considering holistically the aircraft to evaluate its performance and decompose its aerodynamic forces. Notably, energy- and exergy-based approaches improve one’s understanding on the cause and effect of boundary layer ingestion mechanisms but require high computational demands with dense grids. In sought of a universal approach, energy- and momentum-based methods are used together in this work to quantify the coupled aerodynamic performance of boundary layer ingestion aircraft. The strengths of near-field momentum integrations are coupled with more informative energy-based flow assessments. The design space of a propulsive fuselage aircraft is explored via CFD after a reduction of its modelling to an axi-symmetric partial assembly of the fuselage and propulsor. With variations in the thruster position along the tail, its flow passage through the fan and pressure rise, and exhaust design, best performance is achieved with a concept where the propulsor lies at 90% of the fuselage chord, for a fan hub radius of 30% of the fuselage radius, that ingests around 43% of the boundary layer mass-flow, and applies a pressure rise of 1.29, to generate around a third of the total propulsive force requirement whilst savings 11% of fuel relative to a short-to-medium range aircraft propelled by state-of-the-art turbofans. The reasons for such savings are detailed with a first-of-its-kind fully energetic flow decomposition which aims at attributing boundary layer ingestion benefits to changes in propulsor design.Item Open Access Aeroacoustic simulation of rotorcraft propulsion systems.(Cranfield University, 2019-11) Vouros, Stavros; Pachidis, VassiliosRotorcraft constitute air vehicles with unique capabilities, including vertical take- off and landing, hover and forward/backward/lateral flight. The efficiency of rotorcraft operations is expected to improve rapidly, due to the incorporation of novel technologies into current designs. Moreover, enhanced or even new capabilities are anticipated after the introduction of advanced fast rotorcraft configurations into the future fleet. The forecast growth in rotorcraft operations is essentially associated with an expected increase in adverse environmental impact. With respect to the forthcoming rotorcraft aviation advancements, regulatory and advisory bodies, as well as communities, have focused their attention on reducing pollutant emissions and acoustic impact of rotorcraft activity. Consequently, robust and computationally efficient noise modelling approaches are deemed as prerequisites towards quantifying the acoustic impact of present and future rotorcraft activity. Ultimately, these approaches need to cater for unique operational conditions encompassed by modern rotorcraft across designated flight procedures. Additionally, individual variations of key design variables need to be resolved, in the context of design or operational optimisation, targeted at noise mitigation. This work elaborates on the development and application of a robust and computationally efficient methodology for the aeroacoustic simulation of rotorcraft propulsion systems. A series of fundamental modelling methods is developed for the prediction of helicopter rotor noise at fully-integrated operational level. An extensive validation is carried out against existing experimental data with respect to prediction of challenging aeroacoustic phenomena arising from complex aerodynamic interactions. The robustness of the deployed method is confirmed through a cost-effective uncertainty analysis method focused on aerodynamic sources of uncertainty. A set of generalised modelling guidelines is devised for the case of not available input parameters to calibrate the aerodynamic models. The aspect of multi-disciplinary optimisation of rotorcraft at aircraft level in terms of maximising the potential benefits of novel technologies is also tackled within this work. A holistic schedule of optimal active rotor morphing control is derived, offering simultaneous mitigation of pollutant emissions and acoustic impact across a wide range of the helicopter flight envelope. Finally, the developed noise prediction method is incorporated into an operational-level optimisation algorithm, demonstrating the potential of active rotor morphing with respect to reduction of ground-noise impact. The contribution to knowledge arising from the successful completion of this work comprises both the development of methodologies for helicopter aeroacoustic analysis and the derivation of guidelines and best practices for morphing rotor control. Specifically, a generic operational-level simulation approach is developed which effectively advances the state-of-the-art in mission noise prediction. New insight is provided with respect to the impact of wake aerodynamic modelling uncertainty on the robustness of noise predictions. Moreover, the aeroacoustic aspects of a novel morphing rotor concept are explored and quantifications with respect to the trade-off between environmental and noise disciplines are offered. Finally, a generalised set of optimal rotor control guidelines is derived towards achieving the challenging environmental goals set for a sustainable future rotorcraft aviation.Item Open Access Aerodynamic analysis and experiment of a micro flapping wing rotor(Cranfield University, 2015-03) Li, Hao; Guo, Shijun J.This project is aimed at developing a bio-inspired flyable micro/nano aerial vehicle (MAV) of high agility and performance capable of vertical take-off and landing and hovering (VTOLH). To achieve the aim, a novel flapping wing rotor (FWR) concept invented by Dr. Guo has been adopted, which is ideal for MAVs of sub 60 gm and especially for nano scale of sub 5 gm according to aerospace industry’s definition. The advantages and potential of the FWR concept for MAV development has been studied consistently by Dr. Guo’s research team in the last five years. However making a flyable micro FWR model especially in sub 5gm and demonstrate its VTOLH feasibility remains as a big challenge and has not been achieved in previous projects. To meet the above objective, the first achievement in the project is the successful design, build and test of a flyable micro FWR model (FWR-EX1) of only 3 gm based on off-the-shelf available micro motor. The key breakthrough is to achieve the necessary large aeroelastic twist of the flapping wing during the upstroke in an adaptive manner for structural and aerodynamic efficiency. To achieve the next objective for design and performance improvement, study has also been focused on deeper scientific understanding and analysis of the FWR mechanisms. Attention has therefore been paid to a systematic study on aerodynamic modelling and efficiency of the FWR. The method is based on a revised quasi-steady aerodynamic model that combines the theoretical method and experimental data. The numerical results of the revised quasi-steady aerodynamic model are in agreement with existing results obtained via CFD methods. Based on the model and analysis, the optimal kinematics for the FWR has been determined. Subsequently a comparison of the FWR aerodynamic efficiency was made with two other most studied configurations of MAVs, the insect flapping wing and rotorcraft ... [cont.].Item Open Access Aerodynamic and cost modelling for aircraft in a multi-disciplinary design context.(Cranfield University, 2015-12) Di Pasquale, Davide; Savill, Mark A.; Kipouros, Timoleon; Holden, CarrenA challenge for the scientific community is to adapt to and exploit the trend towards greater multidisciplinary focus in research and technology. This work is concerned with multi-disciplinary design for whole aircraft configuration, including aero performance and financial considerations jointly for an aircraft program. A Multi-Disciplinary (MD) approach is required to increase the robustness of the preliminary design data and to realise the overall aircraft performance objectives within the required timescales. A pre-requisite for such an approach is the existence of efficient and fully integrated processes. For this purpose an automatic aero high-speed analysis framework has been developed and integrated using a commercial integration/building environment. Starting from the geometry input, it automatically generates aero data for loads in a timescale consistent with level requirement, which can afterwards be integrated into the overall multi-disciplinary process. A 3D Aero-solution chain has been implemented as a high-speed aerodynamic evaluation capability, and although there is not yet a complementary fully automated Aerodynamic design process, two integrated systems to perform multi-objective optimisation have been developed using different optimisation approaches. In addition to achieving good aircraft performance, reducing cost may be essential for manufacturer survival in today's competitive market. There is thus a strong need to understand the cost associated with different competing concepts and this could be addressed by incorporating cost estimation in the design process along with other analyses to achieve economic and efficient aircraft. For this reason a pre-existing cost model has been examined, tested, improved, and new features added. Afterwards, the cost suite has been integrated using an integration framework and automatically linked with external domains, providing a capability to take input from other domain tool sets. In this way the cost model could be implemented in a multi-disciplinary process allowing a trade-off between weight, aero performance and cost. Additionally, studies have been performed that link aerodynamic characteristics with cost figures and reinforce the importance of considering aerodynamic, structural and cost disciplines simultaneously. The proposed work therefore offers a strong basis for further development. The modularity of the aero optimisation framework already allows the application of such techniques to real engineering test cases, and, in future, could be combined with the 3D aero solution chain developed. In order to further reduce design wall-clock time the present multi- level parallelisation could also be deployed within a more rapid multi-fidelity approach. Finally the 3D aero-solution chain could be improved by directly incorporating a module to generate aero data for performance, and linking this to the cost suite informed by the same geometrical variables.Item Open Access Aeroelastic analysis on a multi-element composite wing in ground effect using fluid-structure interaction.(Cranfield University, 2021-08) Bang, Chris Sungkyun; Temple, Chris; Könözsy, László Z.The present research focuses on an advanced coupling of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and structural analysis (FEA) on the aeroelastic behaviour of a multi-element inverted composite wing with the novelty of including the ground effect. Due to the elastic properties of composite materials, Formula One (F1) car’s front wing may become flexible under fluid loading, modifying the flow field and eventually affecting overall aerodynamics. This research investigates the influence of elastic behaviour of the wing in ground proximity on the aerodynamic and structural performance by setting up an accurate the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) modelling framework. A steady-state two-way coupling method is exploited to run the FSI simulations using ANSYS, which enables simultaneous calculation by coupling CFD with FEA. A grid sensitivity study and turbulence model study are preferentially performed to enhance confidence of the numerical approach. The FSI study encompasses everything from basic examination and measurement of the interaction phenomena using a single and double element inverted wing to the creation of a multi-objective wing design optimisation procedure. The computational results obtained from FSI simulations are assessed and compared with the experimentation with respect to surface pressure distribution, aerodynamic associated forces, and wake profiles. Concerning structure layups, ply orientation and core materials, the effect of various composite structure configurations on the wing performance is extensively studied. An efficient and unique decomposition-based optimisation framework utilising the response surface model is provided based on the aero-structural coupled analysis in order to enhance the wing design process' accuracy and efficiency while tackling aeroelastic phenomena.Item Open Access Aircraft assembly process design for complex systems installation and test integration.(Cranfield University, 2019-04) Li, Tao; Lockett, Helen L.; Lawson, CraigThe assembly line planning process connects product design and manufacturing through translating design information to assembly integration sequence. The assembly integration sequence defines the aircraft system components installation and test precedence of an assembly process. From a systems engineering view point, this activity is part of the complex systems integration and verification process. At the early conceptual design phase of assembly line planning, the priority task of assembly process planning is to understand product complexities in terms of systems interactions, and generate the installation and test sequence to satisfy the designed system function and meet design requirements. This research proposes to define these interactions by using systems engineering concept based on traceable RFLP (Requirement, Functional, Logical and Physical) models and generate the assembly integration sequence through a structured approach. A new method based on systems engineering RFLP framework is proposed to generate aircraft installation and test sequence of complex systems. The proposed method integrates aircraft system functional and physical information in RFLP models and considers these associated models as new engineering data sources at the aircraft early development stage. RFLP modelling rules are created to allow requirements, functional, logical and physical modes be reused in assembly sequence planning. Two case studies are created to examine the method. Semi- structured interviews are used for research validation. The results show that the proposed method can produce a feasible assembly integration sequence with requirements traceability, which ensures consistency between design requirements and assembly sequences.Item Open Access Aircraft engine transient performance modelling with heat soakage effects(Cranfield University, 2019-11) Li, Zhuojun; Li, YiguangTransient performance design and assessment is a very crucial step of aircraft engine development, especially for acceleration and deceleration process. Normally, the assessment of transient performance stability would be done during the detained design stage while component design parameters are available. As a result, design iterations might be necessary and costly if the transient performance assessment is not satisfactory. To make engine design more cost and time efficiently, it has become more and more important to assess the transient performance stability at conceptual and preliminary design stage with the inclusion of key impact factors such as fuel control schedule, rotor dynamics, volume dynamics and heat soakage. However, due to the lack of detailed engine structural and geometrical information at the initial design stage, such transient performance simulation and assessment may have to ignore heat soakage effects. Therefore, in this paper, a novel generically simplified heat soakage and tip clearance model for three major gas path components of gas turbine engines including compressors, turbines and combustors and has been developed to support more realistic transient performance simulation of gas turbine engines at conceptual and preliminary design stage. Such heat soakage model including heat transfer and tip clearance only requires thermodynamic design parameters as input, which is normally available during such design stages. This generic heat soakage method has been applied to two engine models to test its effectiveness through an in-house developed performance code. The case study of heat-soakage effects could demonstrate that results are promising and the simplified heat soakage model is satisfactory.Item Open Access Analysis and modelling of cost of quality in aircraft tailplane assembly(Cranfield University, 2015-08) Xu, Dexin; Salonitis, KonstantinosWith production quality playing a more and more important role in keeping the competitive power of company, Cost of Quality (CoQ) are paid more and more attention in manufacturing industries. Especially in aircraft manufacturing industry, due to the more stringent requirements on quality, the CoQ has been a serious issue for manager. However, due to the specificity of the industry, such as high-tech, low-volume, low degree of automation, the traditional generic CoQ models are not applied directly which make most of the aircraft manufacturing companies are lack of systematic method and efficient tool to analysis and manage CoQ. it is essential to develop a CoQ model which can be used to analyse and estimate the CoQ in the aircraft manufacturing industry. This research aims at developing a CoQ model for tailplane assembly which can help the quality manager to collect and store the quality issue and cost information, and estimate the CoQ and analyse the benefit of cost spent on quality. The CoQ elements are identified and defined based on the comparing results of the literature and actual operation data. Prevention-Appraisal-Failure (P-A-F)/ Activity-Based-Costing (ABC) system is applied to develop the CoQ estimation system. And Cost-Benefit-Analysis (CBA) is applied to analyse the benefit brought by the cost spend on quality. In order to collect enough professional data for the model, an industry survey is designed. Moreover, some GUIs are designed using VBA in MS Excel to improve the operability and practicability. Furthermore, two different cases and expert judgements are used to validate the developed CoQ model. The validation result illustrates that the developed model can help the user to estimate and analyse the CoQ in tailplane assembly, and supply a method to analyse quality issues quantitatively. And the overall performance of the model is approved by the experts in aircraft industry. The model is suit for aircraft industry and worth popularizing in this field.Item Open Access Analysis of the evolution of aerospace manufacturing ecosystems(Cranfield University, 2020-06) Luna Andrade, Jose Junior; Salonitis, Konstantinos; Brintrup, AlexandraThe aerospace manufacturing industry is predicted to continue growing. Understanding its evolution is thus essential to prepare optimal conditions to nurture its growth. This research aims to help the growth of emerging aerospace ecosystems by identifying evolution patterns and categorising key enablers that have encouraged the growth of developed ones. The term aerospace ecosystem is used to embrace all the business activities and infrastructure that are related to the entire aerospace’s supply chain in a specific country. Inspired by studies that have successfully combined economics and network science, in this research, bipartite country-product networks are developed based on trade data over 25 years. The United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America, France, Germany, Canada and Brazil’s are first analysed as evidence suggests that their aerospace ecosystems are within the most developed in the world. Then, China and Mexico’s networks are analysed and compared with developed ones, as these countries have evidenced emergent aerospace ecosystems. Results reveal that developed ecosystems tend to become more analogous, as countries lean towards having a revealed comparative advantage (RCA) in the same group of products. Further analysis shows that manufactured products have a stronger correlation to an aerospace ecosystem than primary products; and in particular, the automotive sector shows the highest correlation with positive aerospace sector evolution. Key enablers related to the growth of the UK and Mexico’s aerospace ecosystems are identified and categorised using interpretive structural modelling (ISM) and cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC) methodologies. Results evidence relevant differences in the categorisation of key enablers among a developed and emergent aerospace ecosystems. On the other hand, it was identified that geopolitical factors and the automotive ecosystem are underpinning enablers for both aerospace ecosystem’s evolution. The final aim is that results of this research could be implemented on emerging aerospace ecosystems by emulating the patterns and key enablers that have characterised the evolution of developed aerospace ecosystems.Item Open Access Application of local mechanical tensioning and laser processing to improve structural integrity of multi-pass welds(Cranfield University, 2015-07) Sule, Jibrin; Ganguly, SupriyoMulti-pass fusion welding by a filler wire (welding electrode) is normally carried out to join thick steel sections used in most engineering applications. Welded joints in an installation, is the area of critical importance, since they are likely to contain a higher density of defects than the parent metal and their physical properties can differ significantly from the parent metal. Fusion arc welding process relies on intense local heating at a joint where a certain amount of the parent metal is melted and fused with additional metal from the filler wire. The intense local heating causes severe transient thermal gradients in the welded component and the resulting uneven cooling that follows produces a variably distributed residual stress field. In multi-pass welds, multiple thermal cycles resulted in a variably distribution of residual stress field across the weld and through the thickness. These complex thermal stresses generated in welds are undesirable but inevitable during fusion welding. Presence of such tensile residual stresses can be detrimental to the service integrity of a welded structure. In addition to a complex distribution of residual stress state, multi-pass welds also forms dendritic grain structure, which are repeatedly heated, resulting in segregation of alloying elements. Dendritic grain structure is weaker and segregation of alloying elements would result in formation of corrosion microcells as well as reduction in overall corrosion prevention due to depletion of alloying elements.Item Open Access Automatic Pipeline Surveillance Air-Vehicle(Cranfield University, 2016-02) Alqaan, Hani; Savvaris, AlThis thesis presents the developments of a vision-based system for aerial pipeline Right-of-Way surveillance using optical/Infrared sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). The aim of research is to develop a highly automated, on-board system for detecting and following the pipelines; while simultaneously detecting any third-party interference. The proposed approach of using a UAV platform could potentially reduce the cost of monitoring and surveying pipelines when compared to manned aircraft. The main contributions of this thesis are the development of the image-analysis algorithms, the overall system architecture and validation of in hardware based on scaled down Test environment. To evaluate the performance of the system, the algorithms were coded using Python programming language. A small-scale test-rig of the pipeline structure, as well as expected third-party interference, was setup to simulate the operational environment and capture/record data for the algorithm testing and validation. The pipeline endpoints are identified by transforming the 16-bits depth data of the explored environment into 3D point clouds world coordinates. Then, using the Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) approach, the foreground and background are separated based on the transformed 3D point cloud to extract the plane that corresponds to the ground. Simultaneously, the boundaries of the explored environment are detected based on the 16-bit depth data using a canny detector. Following that, these boundaries were filtered out, after being transformed into a 3D point cloud, based on the real height of the pipeline for fast and accurate measurements using a Euclidean distance of each boundary point, relative to the plane of the ground extracted previously. The filtered boundaries were used to detect the straight lines of the object boundary (Hough lines), once transformed into 16-bit depth data, using a Hough transform method. The pipeline is verified by estimating a centre line segment, using a 3D point cloud of each pair of the Hough line segments, (transformed into 3D). Then, the corresponding linearity of the pipeline points cloud is filtered within the width of the pipeline using Euclidean distance in the foreground point cloud. Then, the segment length of the detected centre line is enhanced to match the exact pipeline segment by extending it along the filtered point cloud of the pipeline. The third-party interference is detected based on four parameters, namely: foreground depth data; pipeline depth data; pipeline endpoints location in the 3D point cloud; and Right-of-Way distance. The techniques include detection, classification, and localization algorithms. Finally, a waypoints-based navigation system was implemented for the air- vehicle to fly over the course waypoints that were generated online by a heading angle demand to follow the pipeline structure in real-time based on the online identification of the pipeline endpoints relative to a camera frame.