Cranfield University


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    CRIS DOI PDF test
    (Cranfield University, 2025-02-07) Wales, Tim
  • ItemOpen Access
    EndiChem: Database of UK-based research activity in endocrine disruption
    (Cranfield University, 2016-12-07 14:40) Institute of Environment and Health
    In 2016, the EndiChem database/website was closed, and this fileset is the csv export of database content (one csv for each table; tblIAddress is indeed empty), preserved as it may still be of value to researchers in this area. The EndiChem project description follows:There is a wealth of funded research currently ongoing in the UK regarding the potential adverse impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the environment on human health and the environment itself. This area of research is supported by past incidents where exposure to environmental sources of EDCs has had a profound impact on both humans and wildlife, e.g. DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane).In a project funded by Defra, the Institute of Environment and Health (IEH) has initiated a literature awareness service and an on-line database (EndiChem) to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary research in this area.The literature awareness service provides quarterly updates of published literature covering a wide range of aspects, including:Human exposure measurement and modellingHuman health effectsBiological mechanisms and toxicity testing Environmental effectsRisk assessment, risk management and risk communicationThe EndiChem database holds information on scientists within the UK who are currently, or have previously, conducted research into the area of EDCs. This aspect of the project attempts to facilitate the establishment of formal or informal collaborations between researchers, including production of joint publications and future grant proposals. In addition, this resource provides valuable information for sponsors and interested stakeholders for identifying gaps in knowledge and areas for future funding opportunities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Hybrid PTA-laser melting process
    (Cranfield University, 2023-01-19 17:22) Wang, Chong; Suder, Wojciech; Ding, Jialuo; Williams, Stewart
    This is a supplementary video showing the hybrid PTA-laser melting process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data underpinning research article 'Sand dam contributions to year-round water security monitored through remotely sensed handpump data'
    (Cranfield University, 2022-12-01 15:20) Nicola Grace Ritchie, Hannah; Holman, Ian; Parker, Alison; Chan, Joanna
    The repository contains an hourly abstraction data set collected from 26 sand dam hand pumps in Makueni and Machakos, Kenya via remote sensing, using Water Point Data Transmitters (WDT). The WDT were attached to the handles of the hand pumps in April 2019, and transmit abstraction via an SMS message, generated according to the number of times that the pump is used in an hour. The data set includes date, time, pump location, population size, and variables related to each sand dam (including, size, average distance to reach pump, and livestock usage). The variables are present in their raw form and also in their grouped form, which were used for the modelling in this study. The data was provided by Sand Dams Worldwide and has been approved for publication. The repository also contains an interview data set collected by Joanna Chan (MSc) in 2019 in Makueni and Machakos, Kenya. The interview data was collected at 30 sand dam sites. The data contains questions centred on water use behiours. This data was grouped to provide the variable data present in the abstraction data set. The repository contains an hourly abstraction data set collected from 26 sand dam hand pumps in Makueni and Machakos, Kenya via remote sensing, using Water Point Data Transmitters (WDT). The WDT were attached to the handles of the hand pumps in April 2019, and transmit abstraction via an SMS message, generated according to the number of times that the pump is used in an hour. The data set includes date, time, pump location, population size, and variables related to each sand dam (including, size, average distance to reach pump, and livestock usage). The variables are present in their raw form and also in their grouped form, which were used for the modelling in this study. The data was provided by Sand Dams Worldwide and has been approved for publication. The repository also contains an interview data set collected by Joanna Chan (MSc) in 2019 in Makueni and Machakos, Kenya. The interview data was collected at 30 sand dam sites. The data contains questions centred on water use behiours. This data was grouped to provide the variable data present in the abstraction data set.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting "Online optimisation and active control of the cure process of thick composite laminates"
    (Cranfield University, 2023-01-20 14:11) Tifkitsis, Konstantinos; Skordos, Alex
    The dataset comprises experimental data, and modelling and simulation results reported in the paper titled ‘Online optimisation and active control of the cure process of thick composite laminates’ published in Journal of Manufacturing Processes (2023). The dataset is organised into 5 files: - ‘Kinetics-DSC.xlsx’ contains the experimental DSC curves, after integration for the calculation of degree of cure evolution, and the corresponding cure kinetics modelling results. The file ia organised in two worksheets - ‘Dynamic’ reports the results of the one dynamic cure experiment and ‘Isothermal’ reports the results of the four isothermal experiments used in the analysis. - ‘Tg-MDSC.xlsx’ contains the MDSC specific heat capacity measurements and the corresponding model results for three isothermal experiments in worksheet ‘Specific heat capacity’ and the glass transition temperature values measured for partially cured samples alongside the corresponding glass transistor temperature evolution model in worksheet ‘Tg.’ - ‘FE model validation.xlsx’ contains the cure simulation validation trial results using a flat panel. The results are organised into two worksheets – ‘Temperature’ reports the experimental and simulation temperature as a function of time for 3 locations in the component and ‘Degree of cure’ the corresponding degree of cure results. - ‘Cable cure.xlsx’ reports the results of the active control trial for the cure of a cable. Worksheet ‘Active control trial’ reports the setpoint evolution and the surface and centre temperatures measured, alongside the corresponding degree of cure and glass transition evolution. Worksheet ‘Standard profile simulation’ reports the simulation results for the nominal cure profile. - Multi objective optimisation.xlsx presents the Pareto (temperature overshoot versus cure time) front obtained from offline optimisation for a two-cure dwell profile using an exhaustive search alongside the values of cure time and temperature overshoot for the nominal cure profile and the actively controlled process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting 'Non-stationary control of the NAO on European rainfall and its implications for water resource management'
    (Cranfield University, 2023-02-10 17:32) Rust, Will; Holman, Ian; Corstanje, Ronald; Cuthbert, Mark; P. Bloomfield, John
    10-year window rolling correlation between NAOI and GPCC gridded rainfall data for Western Europe. Grid cells between -13-20° Longitude and 35-70° Latitude were used to represent Western Europe.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Raw and analysed data for four ammonia removal technologies treating THP/AD dewatering liquors
    (Cranfield University, 2020-10-09 09:06) Ochs, Pascal; Soares, Ana; Stephenson, Tom; D. Martin, Benjamin; Germain, Eve; van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (Mark)
    The data set contains influent, effluent and performance data for the paper "Ammonia removal from thermal hydrolysis dewatering liquors via three different deammonification technologies". The data is stored in an excel spreadsheet including raw data, cleaned up data and details to analysis.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Whither regulation, risk and water safety plans? Case studies from Malaysia and from England and Wales
    (Cranfield University, 2020-10-12 16:45) Pollard, Simon; Hasan, Hafizah; Parker, Alison
    We explore the interplay between preventative risk management and regulatory style for the implementation of water safety plans in Malaysia and in England and Wales, two jurisdictions with distinct philosophies of approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 water safety professionals in Malaysia, 23 in England and Wales, supported by 6 Focus Group Discussions (n=53 participants). A grounded theory approach produced insights on the transition from drinking water quality surveillance to preventative risk management. Themes familiar to this type of regulatory transition emerged, including concerns about compliance policy; overseeing the risk management controls of regulatees with varied competencies and funds available to drive change; and the portfolio of interventions suited to a more facilitative regulatory style. Because the potential harm from waterborne illness is high where pathogen exposures occur, the transition to risk-informed regulation demands mature organisational cultures among water utilities and regulators, and a laser-like focus on ensuring risk management controls are delivered within water supply systems.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Evaluating the potential of domestic fats, oils and greases (FOG) for energy recovery
    (Cranfield University, 2020-01-22 15:40) Collin, Thomas; Cunningham, Rachel; Villa, Raffaella; MacAdam, Jitka; Jefferson, Bruce
    Experimental data collected for the paper titled "Evaluating the potential of domestic fats, oils and greases (FOG) for energy recovery".
  • ItemOpen Access
    Characterisation and energy assessment of fats, oils and greases (FOG) waste at catchment level
    (Cranfield University, 2019-07-15 16:18) Collin, Thomas; Cunningham, Rachel; Jefferson, Bruce; Villa, Raffaella
    Data collected from literature and experimental work for the characterisation of several fats, oils and greases (FOG) wastes. This repository also contains data used for the energy assessment of FOG.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Guidance for lay audiences on regulatory instrument selection
    (Cranfield University, 2018-07-19 10:56) Pollard, Simon; Taylor, Christopher M.
    The purpose of this guide, authored by Dr Chris Taylor, is to help policy makers and regulators develop ideas for achieving policy objectives that make use of the full range of policy and regulatory instruments at your disposal (e.g. emission licences, tradable permit schemes, product labelling, voluntary agreements). It could be used to design new measures, or to identify better ways than at present to achieve objectives that harness the influence of non-government actors. It is intended to spark thinking and debate. You could use this guide to help stimulate your own thinking, or to support a discussion with your team or other stakeholders. The content focuses on describing the range of instruments that could be used and exploring when they are suitable. It focuses on instruments to tackle environmental risks, though many of the approaches described can also be used for other policy objectives. It is assumed that the reader already has a good understanding of the policy objectives to be met, the forms of market failure (e.g. polluters not compensating for damage caused) or other policy considerations that lead to the need for intervention, the stakeholders involved and the environmental, social and economic systems that connect them together. It is also assumed that the option of doing nothing has been considered but is unacceptable. In line with the Defra Policy Cycle, instrument ideas sparked from this guide will need to be developed into full proposals and their impact assessed. This development process is beyond the scope of this guide.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Sediment fingerprinting: source classification
    (Cranfield University, 2018-03-08 16:02) Vercruysse, Kim; Grabowski, Robert
    This data is related to a research project using sediment fingerprinting based on Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry (DRIFTS) to estimate sediment source contributions to suspended sediment in rivers. The research took place in the River Aire catchment, United Kingdom. The data was collected between 2014 and 2017.Two types of data are available:1. Suspended sediment concentrations during high-flow events ( Samples were collected with a depth-integrating suspended sediment sampler from the side of the river at Brewery Wharf in the city center of Leeds (dates are indicated)2. Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry (DRIFTS) spectra of sediment samples Type of samples: - suspended sediment, - bed sediment, - sediment sources (*),- experimental mixtures of sediment source samples. Each type of sample is included in a separate .CSV file (**)(*) Sample IDs: CR, LR, MR (samples from eroding riverbanks in coals, limestone and millstone area respectively). CU, LU, MU (samples from uncultivated grassland soils in coals, limestone and millstone area respectively). U (urban street dust samples). Numbers 1-2-3 represent sub samples taken within one square meter.(**) First row of the columns in all DRIFTS files represent the wavelength (micrometer-1) ranging between 3799 and 651
  • ItemOpen Access
    Source data for a study exploring production impacts of a 100% organic conversion in England and Wales
    (Cranfield University, 2018-05-13 21:34) Smith, Laurence; Jones, Philip; Kirk, Guy; Pearce, Bruce; Williams, Adrian
    Underlying data for ‘Modelling the production impacts of a widespread conversion to organic agriculture in England and Wales’ by L.G. Smith et al. (2018). We develop and apply a bespoke model, the Optimal Land Use Model (OLUM) to estimate levels of production from agriculture in England and Wales under organic management . Outputs under a range of scenarios are compared to the real-world distribution of conventional production in 2010.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Managing power dissipation in closed-loop reverse electrodialysis to maximise energy recovery during thermal-to-electric conversion
    (Cranfield University, 2020-07-14 11:05) Hulme, Anna; Davey, Christopher J.; Parker, Alison; Williams, Leon; Tyrrel, Sean; Jiang, Ying; Pidou, Marc; McAdam, Ewan
    Underlying data for the manuscript: Managing power dissipation in closed-loop reverse electrodialysis to maximise energy recovery during thermal-to-electric conversion
  • ItemOpen Access
    Attribute table, evaluation data & analysis of evaluation data for published paper "Obligations and aspirations: a critical evaluation of offshore wind farm cumulative impact assessments"
    (Cranfield University, 2017-10-24 13:08) Willsteed, Edward A.; Jude, Simon; Gill, Andrew B.; Birchenough, Silvana
    Files uploaded enable: 1) application of the critical evaluation framework developed to other fields; 2) re-examination of the data generated by the evaluation. The full methodology is reported in the published paper. Information identifying individual Environmental Statements has been removed from publicly available data.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Poster presentation: Ultra-precision control of a reel-to-reel process
    (Cranfield University, 2017-11-08 08:41) Graham, Andrew; Morantz, Paul; Comley, Paul
    Poster presentation of research work at the EPSRC Centre for innovative manufacturing in ultra precision.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Knowledge Distribution Catalogue.csv
    (Cranfield University, 2017-08-01 13:58) Hill, Martin
    Thesis submission version
  • ItemOpen Access
    Knowledge Distribution Catalogue
    (Cranfield University, 2017-07-18 12:16) Hill, Martin
    A web-browsable catalogue of characteristics of knowledge distribution (html file).A CSV table of the catalogues; each row is a characteristic identified by the 'index term' (first column). Super characteristics (ie parents) are given in the second column. Synonym terms in the third for searches. A one-line summary for skim reading is given in the fourth column. The 'comment' column describes the characteristic, linking to other catalogue characteristics using curly brackets to surround their index term, and links to sources using square brackets around [author, date]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data underpinning the paper "Ecological Connectivity Networks in Rapidly Expanding Cities"
    (Cranfield University, 2018-03-12 11:53) najihah Muhamad nor, Amal; Corstanje, Ronald; Harris, Jim; Grafius, Darren
    Data used in the accompanying paper. Data is presented in MS Word summaries for easy previews. Additionally, the zip folder contains original data in the folders:- Birds*;- Cumulative cost**;- Eco network**;- Jakarta (Birds*, Boundary*, Clipbound*, Conefor*, Focal node*);- Kuala Lumpur (Boundary*, Focalnode*, Image2014*, Resistance*, Shortregion*);- Metro Manila (Boundary*, Focalnode*, image2014*, Resistance**, Linkage mapper* including xlsx link table);- Resistance**;* ArcGIS shapefiles (dbf, prj, sbn, sbx, shp, shx, xml)** jpg files
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data underpinning the paper "Impact of rapid urban expansion on green space structure"
    (Cranfield University, 2017-05-26 09:08) najihah Muhamad nor, Amal; Corstanje, Ronald; Harris, Jim; Brewer, Tim
    These data could be opened in Microsoft Excel and ArcGIS software.