Qualitative responses to Hydrogen Homes (H2H) Online Survey 2022.docx

dc.contributor.authorGordon, Joel
dc.contributor.authorOzkan, Nazmiye
dc.contributor.authorali Nabavi, Seyed
dc.date.issued2024-01-16 15:07
dc.description.abstractThis file records responses given by online survey participants in the UK (N = 1845) to a questionnaire on the domestic hydrogen transition, which was programmed using Qualtrics. The data collection period lasted between 06/10/2023 and 23/12/2023, supported by a professional market research company (Savanta). The survey duration was approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Domestic hydrogen refers to hydrogen-fuelled appliances for heating and cooking, collectively referred to as hydrogen homes. All survey responses were measured using either a five-point or eleven-point Likert scale.At the end of the survey, participants were requested to respond to the following open-ended question which concluded the survey: Please use this text box to explain more about your attitudes towards hydrogen or any other reflections on this topic.Around two-thirds of respondents (N = 1213) provided a valid response. The sample was composed of four specific consumer sub-groups, which returned a relatively balanced response rate (M = 66.3%; SD = 3.0). In published materials, we use the term Hydrogen Homes (H2H) dataset to denote outputs from this project.
dc.description.sponsorship'DTP 2020-2021 Cranfield University'
dc.identifier.citationGordon, Joel; Ozkan, Nazmiye; Nabavi, Seyed ali (2023). Qualitative responses to Hydrogen Homes (H2H) Online Survey 2022.docx. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Online resource. https://doi.org/10.17862/cranfield.rd.23585166
dc.publisherCranfield University
dc.relation.referenceshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119715', 'https://doi.org/10.17862/cranfield.rd.23585091'
dc.rightsCC BY 4.0
dc.subject'Hydrogen acceptance'
dc.subject'Consumer attitudes'
dc.subject'Low-carbon heating and cooking'
dc.subject'Fuel Stress'
dc.subject'Technology and environmental engagement'
dc.subject'Net Zero Energy'
dc.subject'Hydrogen economy'
dc.subject'Hydrogen homes'
dc.titleQualitative responses to Hydrogen Homes (H2H) Online Survey 2022.docx
dc.typeOnline Resource


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