Integrated hybrid engine cycle design and power management optimization

dc.contributor.authorGhelani, Raj
dc.contributor.authorRoumeliotis, Ioannis
dc.contributor.authorSaias, Chana Anna
dc.contributor.authorMourouzidis, Christos
dc.contributor.authorPachidis, Vassilios
dc.contributor.authorBacic, Marko
dc.contributor.authorNorman, Justin
dc.description.abstractA novel integrated gas turbine cycle design and power management optimization methodology for parallel hybrid electric propulsion architectures is presented in this paper. The gas turbine multi-point cycle design method is extended to turboprop and turbofan architectures, and several trade studies are performed initially at the cycle level. It is shown that the maximum degree of electrification is limited by the surge margin levels of the booster in the turbofan configuration. An aircraft mission-level assessment is then performed using the integrated optimization method initially for an A320 Neo style aircraft case. The results indicate that the optimal cycle redesigned hybrid electric propulsion system (HEPS) favors take-off and climb power on-takes while optimal retrofit HEPS favor cruise power on-takes. It is shown that for current battery energy density (250 Wh/Kg), there is no fuel burn benefit. Furthermore, even for optimistic energy density values (750 Wh/kg) the maximum fuel burn benefit for a 500 nm mission is 5.5% and 4% for redesigned and retrofit HEPS, respectively. The power management strategies for HEPS configurations also differ based on gas turbine technology with improvement in gas turbine technology showing greater scope for electrification. The method is then extended to ATR 72 style aircraft case, showing greater fuel burn benefits across the flight mission envelope. The power management strategies also change depending on the objective function, and optimum strategies are reported for direct operating cost or fuel burn. The retrofit case studies show a benefit in direct operating cost compared to redesigned case studies for ATR 72. Finally, a novel multimission approach is shown to highlight the overall fuel burn and direct operating cost benefit across the aircraft mission cluster.en_UK
dc.identifier.citationGhelani R, Roumeliotis I, Saias CA, et al., (2023) Integrated hybrid engine cycle design and power management optimization. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 26-30 June 2023, Boston, USA. Paper number GT2023-103131en_UK
dc.publisherAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineersen_UK
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.titleIntegrated hybrid engine cycle design and power management optimizationen_UK
dc.typeConference paperen_UK
