Dynamics of bubbles under stochastic pressure forcing
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Several studies have investigated the dynamics of a single spherical bubble at rest under a nonstationary pressure forcing. However, attention has almost always been focused on periodic pressure oscillations, neglecting the case of stochastic forcing. This fact is quite surprising, as random pressure fluctuations are widespread in many applications involving bubbles (e.g., hydrodynamic cavitation in turbulent flows or bubble dynamics in acoustic cavitation), and noise, in general, is known to induce a variety of counterintuitive phenomena in nonlinear dynamical systems such as bubble oscillators. To shed light on this unexplored topic, here we study bubble dynamics as described by the Keller-Miksis equation, under a pressure forcing described by a Gaussian colored noise modeled as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Results indicate that, depending on noise intensity, bubbles display two peculiar behaviors: when intensity is low, the fluctuating pressure forcing mainly excites the free oscillations of the bubble, and the bubble's radius undergoes small amplitude oscillations with a rather regular periodicity. Differently, high noise intensity induces chaotic bubble dynamics, whereby nonlinear effects are exacerbated and the bubble behaves as an amplifier of the external random forcing