Managing power dissipation in closed-loop reverse electrodialysis to maximise energy recovery during thermal-to-electric conversion
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Whilst the efficiency of reverse electrodialysis (RED) for thermal-to-electrical conversion has been theoretically demonstrated for low-grade waste heat, the specific configuration and salinity required to manage power generation has been less well described. This study demonstrates that operating RED by recycling feed solutions provides the most suitable configuration for energy recovery from a fixed solution volume, providing a minimum unitary cost for energy production. For a fixed membrane area, recycling feeds achieves energy efficiency seven times higher than single pass (conventional operation), and with an improved power density. However, ionic transport, water flux and concentration polarisation introduce complex temporal effects when concentrated brines are recirculated, that are not ordinarily encountered in single pass systems. Regeneration of the concentration gradient at around 80% energy dissipation was deemed most economically pragmatic, due to the increased resistance to mass transport beyond this threshold. However, this leads to significant exergy destruction that could be improved by interventions to better control ionic build up in the dilute feed. Further improvements to energy efficiency were fostered through optimising current density for each brine concentration independently. Whilst energy efficiency was greatest at lower brine concentrations, the work produced from a fixed volume of feed solution was greatest at higher saline concentrations. Since the thermal-to-electrical conversion proposed is governed by volumetric heat utilisation (distillation to reset the concentration gradient), higher brine concentrations are therefore recommended to improve total system efficiency. Importantly, this study provides new evidence for the configuration and boundary conditions required to realise RED as a practical solution for application to sources of low-grade waste heat in industry