Data Relating to MCWASP 2023 Conference Paper: A Mathematical Examination of the Impact of Mould Transparency to Infrared Radiation on Solidification during the Investment Casting Process

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2023-08-24 16:53

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Cranfield University


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Jones, Christopher (2023). Data Relating to MCWASP 2023 Conference Paper: A Mathematical Examination of the Impact of Mould Transparency to Infrared Radiation on Solidification during the Investment Casting Process. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD). Dataset.


Opening the Research Data - MCWASP folder shows the three characterisation experiments conducted and the experiment: DiL = Dilatometry - coefficient of thermal expansion DSC = Differential scanning calorimetry - specific heat capacity LFA = Laser flash analysis - Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity Thermocouple and Simualation - temperature results from experiments and comparable simulation reults Dilatometry Opening the DiL folder shows several files: Files ending .ngb-cle refer to baseline or calibration measurements Files ending .ngb-dle are sample measurements Text files folder contained data exported from the Proteus Analysis software in a general format Python script for plotting With Python installed, open up a command terminal, change directory to the location of the Python script using the cd command, then type python "name of file" to run it. Text Files This folder contains exported results from the Proteus Analysis software, called by the Python script. Differential Scanning Calorimetry Opening the DSC folder shows several files: Files ending .ngb-bdc refer to baseline or calibration measurements Files ending .ngb-ddc are sample measurements Python script for plotting Text files folder contained data exported from the Proteus Analysis software in a general format With Python installed, open up a command terminal, change directory to the location of the Python script using the cd command, then type python "name of file" to run it. Text Files This folder contains exported results from the Proteus Analysis software. Laser flash analysis Opening the LFA folder shows several files: .txt file shows the data exported from the Proteus LFA Analysis software .lfa files are the raw measurements from the LFA instrument requiring NETZSCH specific software to open .mdb files are the database files that support the raw files Python scripts plot the exported data Adjusted database files Adjusted Databases Contains the altered database files for the different samples indicated. During the original tests, the density was entered incorrect. Using Microsoft Access these files can be opened and the density was changed manually before being loaded into the Proteus LFA Analysis software Thermocouple and Simulation Opening this folder shows several files: in718-8mmred.txt is the experimental results from the in metal thermocouple trad_2_read_out.txt is the experimental results from the in shell thermocouples .py file is the python file used in plotting these results Simulation 1 folder contains the first half of the simulation results Simulation 2 folder contains the second half of the simulation results


Software Description

Software Language



'radiation effect', 'optical transmission spectrum'




CC BY 4.0


EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing (EngD)

