Manufacturing and Materials


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 156
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data relating to "Combinatorial Sputtering of Photoluminescent Europium Titanium Oxide Thin Films"
    (Cranfield University, 2024-11-08) Chen, Junfeng; Indrat Aria, Adrianus; Rao, Jeff
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data in support of: PTFE layer formation during brush electroplating of nickel
    (Cranfield University, 2024-10-28) Isern Arrom, Luis; Impey, Sue; Endrino Armenteros, Jose Luis; Almond, Heather
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dataset "Aviation Product Named Entity Recognition (ApNER)"
    (Cranfield University, 2024-08-23) Yang, Mingye
    In order to verify the proposed model, this study used the aircraft design standard documents and airworthiness standard documents published by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the US Electronic Federal Regulations (eCFR), as well as the open source aircraft design dataset AircraftVerse [38] as the corpus to construct a named entity recognition dataset for aviation products (ApNER).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data for the paper "A Dissection and Enhancement Technique for Combined Damage Characterisation in Composite Laminates using Laser-line Scanning Thermography"
    (Cranfield University, 2021-05-27 09:52) Liu, Haochen; Du, Robin; Yazdani, Hamed; Starr, Andrew; Zhao, Yifan
    This is the dataset for paper "A Dissection and Enhancement Technique for Combined Damage Characterisation in Composite Laminates using Laser-line Scanning Thermography". It contains the the simulation and experimental data for figures, tables and results in paper. The files are marked with related names.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data for the paper titled "Novel method to additively manufacture denser graphite structures using Binder Jetting Printing"
    (Cranfield University, 2020-12-07 11:18) Goel, Saurav
    All data submitted to Scientific Reports in Nature is provided herewith.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Immersive robotics experiments - Telexistence PhD (videos)
    (Cranfield University, 2023-09-25 12:11) Mazeas, Damien
    This page contains a list of videos illustrating some of the experiments carried out during Mr. Mazeas's thesis on telexistence.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data: Characterisation of Cognitive Load using Machine Learning Classifiers of Electroencephalogram Data
    (Cranfield University, 2023-08-17 14:40) Wang, Qi
    A high cognitive load can overload a person resulting in catastrophic accidents, it is therefore important to ensure the cognitive load of a safety-critical task (such as driving a vehicle) is at a manageable level. Although electroencephalography (EEG) has attracted significant interest in the research of cognitive load, few studies use EEG to investigate driving-related cognitive load. This paper presents a feasibility study on the simulation of various levels of cognitive load through designing and implementing four driving tasks, and the associated classification of load using EEG recordings. An EEG dataset containing these four driving tasks from a group of 20 participants was collected to investigate whether EEG can be used as a biomarker to reflect changes in cognitive load. The dataset was then used to train four Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and four Support Vector Machines (SVMs) classification models. The results showed that the best model achieved a classification accuracy of 90.37% utilizing statistical features from multiple frequency bands in 24 EEG channels. Furthermore, it was observed that the Gamma and Beta bands achieved a greater classification accuracy than the Alpha and Theta bands. The output of this study can potentially improve the Human-Machine-Interface of vehicles for enhanced safety.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting "An automated surface determination approach for computed tomography"
    (Cranfield University, 2022-08-31 17:00) Yang, Xiuyuan; Giusca, Claudiu; Sun, Wenjuan
    This dataset contains the reconstructed simulation data, MCW surface point clouds, measurement results used for Fig 14 and Fig 16.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting: 'Multi-Energy Source (MES) Configuration for Bead Shape Control in Wire-based Directed Energy Deposition (w-DED)'
    (Cranfield University, 2022-08-31 15:42) Chen, Guangyu; Suder, Wojciech; Williams, Stewart; Ding, Jialuo; Wang, Chong
    Video shows the the dynamic changing of the melt pool and highspeed scanning motion of the laser beam.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data relating to: "Dynamic multistep uncertainty prediction in spatial geometry" (2020)
    (Cranfield University, 2021-02-12 11:48) Grenyer, Alex; Schwabe, Oliver; ahmet Erkoyuncu, John; Zhao, Yifan
    Excel file corresponding to training data and results in conference paper - applied in MATLABImages: Figures 1-4 as in conference paperVideo: 3D plot rotationVideo: Conference presentation
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dataset for paper - Optimisation of an in-process lineal dielectric sensor for liquid moulding of carbon fibre composites
    (Cranfield University, 2020-11-04 09:22) Mesogitis, Tassos; Asareh, Mehdi; Skordos, Alex; Maistros, George; Lira, Christian
    Data: -RTM experiment - 4 bar clamping pressure.xlsx Excel spreadsheet containing the impedance/admittance signals and corresponding covered length for the the PI-LD lineal sensor alongside the visual flow front measurements using video for the 4 bar clamping pressure RTM trial -RTM experiment - 7 bar clamping pressure.xlsx Excel spreadsheet containing the impedance/admittance signals and corresponding covered length for the PI-LD and NyPU lineal sensor, the impedance signals for the PI-LD cure sensor, and the temperature evolution used for the kinetics/specific heat capacity evolution for the 6 bar clamping pressure RTM trial -Air sensor tests.xlsx Excel spreadsheet containing the impedance and admittance spectra of 3 PU sensors in air Models: -FLEXPDE sensor in air.dat FLEXPDE script for 2D FE complex electric field model of sensor in air -FLEXPDE sensor in resin.dat FLEXPDE script for 2D FE complex electric field model of sensor in resin Images: - Flow front mm_process time Compressed set of images used to identify the flow front position in the 4 bar clamping pressure RTM trial. Files are named to indicate the flow front position and process time. For example, file 150-1.70 is the image corresponding to a flow position of 150 mm at 1.70 min.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data for paper entitled "Laser stabilization of GMAW additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V components"
    (Cranfield University, 2019-05-09 12:07) Rodrigues Pardal, Goncalo; Martina, Filomeno; Williams, Stewart
    Data used in paper "Laser stabilization of GMAW additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V components"
  • ItemOpen Access
    Quantifying uncertainty in pulsed thermography inspection by analysing the thermal diffusivity measurements of metals and composites - Dataset to reconstruct the results presented in the paper
    (Cranfield University, 2021-08-14 10:40) Addepalli, Pavan; Zhao, Yifan; ahmet Erkoyuncu, John; Roy, Rajkumar
    'This is the underlying dataset for the paper based on which uncertainty quantification was carried out.'
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting: 'In-process nip point temperature estimation in automated tape placement based on analytical solution and remote thermal measurements'
    (Cranfield University, 2022-08-31 15:50) Danezis, Anastasios; Skordos, Alex; Williams, David
    FE and 1D predictions comparison: nip point temperature estimates by the analytical scheme and FE model.Inverse solution data: tool surface temperatures before and after the addition of Gaussian noise, irradiance profile applied in FE model and its approximations using the inverse solution. Metallic and insulating tool material.Example application- power variation: contains the data of the virtual experiment generated by the FE model, and analytical scheme estimates for different scenarios.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting 'Hybrid recommendations and dynamic authoring for AR knowledge capture and re-use in diagnosis applications'
    (Cranfield University, 2023-02-16 11:10) ahmet Erkoyuncu, John
    In Industry 4.0, integrated data management is an important challenge due to heterogeneity and the lack of structure of numerous existing data sources. A relevant research gap involves human knowledge integration, especially in maintenance operations. Augmented Reality (AR) can bridge this gap, but it requires improved augmented content to enable effective and efficient knowledge capture. This paper proposes dynamic authoring and hybrid recommender methods for accurate AR-based reporting. These methods aim to provide maintainers with augmented data input formats and recommended datasets for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of their reporting tasks. The proposed contributions have been validated through experiments and surveys in two failure diagnosis reporting scenarios. Experimental results indicated that the proposed reporting solution can reduce reporting errors by 50% and reporting time by 20% compared to alternative recommender and AR tools. Besides, survey results suggested that testers perceived the proposed reporting solution as more effective and satisfactory for reporting tasks than alternative tools. Thus, proving that the proposed methods can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of diagnosis reporting applications. Finally, this paper proposes future works towards a framework for automatic adaptive authoring in AR knowledge transfer and capture applications for human knowledge integration in the context of Industry 4.0.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Suppression of molten salt corrosion by plasma sprayed Ni3Al coatings - data
    (Cranfield University, 2021-12-18 08:08) Aria, Indrat
    Fig. 1 (a) Schematics of air plasma spray deposition of Ni3Al coatings and molten nitrate salt tests at 565 °C. Ni3Alpowder is melted in a stream of plasma at atmospheric pressure and propelled towards the substrate. Each of the SS347 and Ni3Al/SS347 coupons is then immersed in NaNO3: KNO3 salts contained in individual alumina crucibles at a constant temperature of 565 °C for up to 3000 h. (b) Time dependent area-normalised weight change (ΔM/A) of Ni3Al/SS347 and SS347 in molten nitrate saltsand air at 565 °C. Here, the weight change is normalised with the surface area of the coupons. Solid and dashed lines indicate piecewise linear regressions for weight change in molten nitrate salts and air, respectively.Fig. 2 Cross-sectional SEM images of Ni3Al/SS347 (a, b) and SS347 (c, d) at 0 h (a, c) and 3000 h (b, d) of immersion in molten nitrate salt at 565 °C. Dashed lines indicate the interface between Ni3Al coating and SS347 substrate, while arrows indicate AlOx particles embedded within the Ni3Al coatings (a, b). No significant change in the coating morphology and no formation of corrosion layers can be observed on Ni3Al/SS347 after 3000 h. In contrast, formation of corrosion layers can be observed on the surface SS347 after 3000 h. A higher magnification SEM image (inset in d) shows the distinguishable morphologies of these corrosion layers. The dashed line in the inset indicates the interface between the corrosion layers and the original SS347 layer.Fig. 3 (a) Elemental maps and corresponding SEM image ofcross-sectioned Ni3Al/SS347 at 3000 h in molten nitrate salt at 565 °C. These maps show spatial distribution of Fe, Ni, Al, O and Na at the interface between Ni3Al coating and SS347substrate. Arrows indicate AlOx particles embedded within the Ni3Al coatings. All scale bars represent 50 μm. (b) Elemental composition in atomic percentage (at. %) of Fe, Ni, Al, O and Na of Ni3Al/SS347 taken at the area indicated by white line in the corresponding SEM image. The composition is obtained at 3000 h and presented as a function of the distance from the interface between Ni3Alcoating and SS347 substrate. Positive distance corresponds to coatings (Coat) and outer mounting resin (Out), while negative distance corresponds to substrate (Sub). Solid lines are ~ 5-μm simple moving average to guide the eye.Fig. 4 (a) Elemental maps and corresponding SEM imageof cross-sectioned SS347 at 3000 h in molten nitrate saltat 565 °C. These maps show spatial distribution of Fe, Ni,Cr, O and Na at the surface of SS347 substrate. All scale bars represent 50 μm. (b) Elemental composition in atomic percentage (at.%) of Fe, Ni, Cr, O and Na of SS347 taken at the area indicated by white line in the corresponding SEM image. The composition is obtained at 3000 h and presented as a function of the distance from the interface between corrosion layers and SS347 substrate. Positive distance corresponds to corrosion layers (Cor) and outer mounting resin (Out), while negative distance corresponds to substrate (Sub). Solid lines are ~ 5-μm simple moving average to guide the eye.Fig. 5 (a) XRD patterns of Ni3Al/SS347 and SS347 at different molten salt exposure times: 0, 1000, 2000 and3000 h. SS347 exhibits peaks that correspond to austenitic stainless steel (filled circle) and various oxides of Fe, including Fe3O4 and (Cr, Fe)2O3 (filled triangle), Fe2NiO4 (filled star) and NaFe2O3 (filled x mark). Ni3Al/SS347 exhibits peaks that corresponds to Ni3Al (filled diamond) and NiO (filled inverted triangle). Peaks are identified according to the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) database [31, 33, 56–61] (b) Schematic of corrosion suppression of Ni3Al coatings to the SS347 substrate in molten salts. Ni3Al coatings are rapidly oxidised and stabilised in the first 500 h. The formation of oxides within the Ni3Al coatings supresses the diffusion of Na from the molten salt or the release of Fe, Ni and Cr from the substrate for at least 3000 h. In contrast, continuous uptake of O and Na along with the release of Fe, Ni and Cr resulting in the formation of corrosion layers comprised various oxides of iron on the AQ3 surface of SS347.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Insertion of large diameter through-thickness metallic pins in composites: dataset
    (Cranfield University, 2022-03-16 09:16) Neale, Geoffrey; Skordos, Alex
    Force vs Displacement Data.xlsx - Contains all the raw force versus displacement data for the insertion tests carried out in the associated publication.Thermal Ageing Analysis.xlsx - Contains the DSC data (time, temperature, rev heat capacity and rev heat flow) for Bx180-220 prepreg under ageing regimes in the associated publication.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data for the paper "Pattern Recognition of Barely Visible Impact Damage in Carbon Composites using Pulsed Thermography"
    (Cranfield University, 2021-12-14 10:50) Zhao, Yifan; Addepalli, Pavan
    Please find the attachment.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A head mounted augmented reality design practise for maintenance assembly
    (Cranfield University, 2021-08-18 17:03) Ariansyah, Dedy
    This is the experimental data used to examine the impact of different AR HMD modalities on task performance, system usability, and user safety