Leadership and Management


Recent Submissions

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Conceptualising Supply Chain Management: An Objective-Oriented Approach
    (Cranfield University, 2018-10-22 10:14) Alkebaisi, Hussain
    Poster presented at the Cranfield Doctoral Network Annual Event 2018.Although it has been more than three decades since the concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM) was first introduced, there are still significant attempts at, and a call for conceptualising, defining, remodelling and identifying the theory(s) behind it. There is no consensus in the literature on a concise and precise definition of SCM nor its underpinning theory(s). A rigorous theoretical framework has not yet been developed; the existing models like Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) and the Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) models lack the details called for in a holistic model that encompasses the essence of SCM and integrates the best features of the existing models and covers their shortcomings.The argument in the literature is that: “research and practice would be improved if a single definition were adopted” (Mentzer et al., 2001); “closing the gap between SCM theory and actual practice would be the development of a single, unifying SCM framework that both incorporates the best aspects of the existing, widely used frameworks and addresses their current limitations” (Moberg et al., 2008). However, in this research, the author argues that a consensus on a unified conceptual/theoretical framework of SCM will contribute to solving those theoretical issues.The literature has shown that most of the research approaches which were used to solve those theoretical issues were process-oriented or business functions-oriented, that is, the focus was on what firms and organisations are doing, where they do it, or how they do it. However, the main gap the researcher has identified through the study and the analysis of the literature is that an Objective-Oriented approach has not been investigated in resolving those theoretical issues. Also, the researcher found that the objectives of SCM and supply management as a whole were scattered in the literature. In this study, the researcher objective is to investigate the viability of using this approach in solving those theoretical issues.The researcher found that an appropriate research methodology to investigate the viability of an Objective-Oriented approach would be to apply the Grounded Theory research methodology, which is a well known qualitative research methodology that is used in developing theories or theoretical frameworks from data (grounded) through line-by-line coding and categorising process. Recent work reported by Randall and Mello, (2012) recommended the use of the Grounded Theory research methodology as they established that grounded theory “can be an appropriate tool for creating theory in supply chain research”. This methodology has also been recommended by Denk, Kaufmann and Carter, (2012) and Manuj and Pohlen, (2012)Therefore, this research focuses on the implementation of the Grounded Theory research methodology through an Objective-Oriented coding system that will analyse multiple data resources including the literature, websites, recorded lectures and recorded interviews. Through this approach, the researcher was able to: conceptualise SCM, identify the theory behind it, define the concept precisely and concisely and develop a unified model that visualises SCM.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Dissemination Event Presentation
    (Cranfield University, 2018-04-03 10:07) Sharif, Amir; Aktas, Emel
    These are the presentation slides for the SAFE-Q Dissemination Event held on 19 March 2018 at Georgetown University Qatar.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Analysing the Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Sustainability at Board-level
    (Cranfield University, 2018-10-22 10:39) Bolourian, Soudabeh
    3 Minute Thesis presented at the Cranfield Doctoral Network Annual Event 2018.The relationship between Corporate Governance (CG) and sustainability is of critical importance because it addresses stakeholders’ social, environmental, economic and ethical needs. Corporate Sustainability (CS) has been noted as a development of good governance. Companies with better governance are inclined to be more socially responsible. Also, core to the CG system are the board of directors’ (BOD) responsibilities. They are responsible for overseeing, advising and ensuring management is moving in line with organisational goals. Thus, BOD will likely be responsible for environmental and social matters in organisations that consider such matters fundamental for their existence. However, according to some researchers, in the CG realm there is not much on the board’s role in monitoring corporate responsibility and sustainability Therefore, I find the idea of bridging the gap between CG and CS, or as I like to call it “aligning the mind and the heart” in an organisation fascinating and vital. The mind referring to CG that for me represents principle, order and logic. The heart being CS since I believe it consists of elements more emotionally based. Considering that corporations are currently facing two pressing issues: Board diversity and CS, prior studies have focused on various attributes of BOD and its effects on sustainability performance. Additionally, referring to individuals and committees, it has been suggested that more research needs to be done on the impact of other entities on organisational performance besides the board as a whole. However, few have examined how board-level committee attributes, particularly ones dedicated to CS issues, will affect the sustainability performance of a company. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the various underlying theories and challenges of the CG and CS relationship with a view to measuring and defining the impact and interaction of a sustainability committee at board-level and its attributes on sustainability performance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    OFDI China
    (Cranfield University, 2019-07-31 15:04) Alexiou, Constantinos
    Data set comprising determinants of Chinese Outward Direct Investment
  • ItemOpen Access
    Commodity prices
    (Cranfield University, 2021-04-19 08:46) Alexiou, Constantinos
    Data on commodity prices and returns
  • ItemOpen Access
    Speculative activity, monetary policy and commodity prices
    (Cranfield University, 2019-06-19 09:12) Yao,Wei; Alexiou,Constantinos
    The dataset consists of key macroeconomic indicators sourced from the OECD and the FRED. Data on the thirteen commodities, which are classified as energy commodities (crude oil and heating oil), precious metal commodities (gold, silver, platinum, palladium and copper), agricultural commodities (wheat, sugar, soybeans, coffee and cocoa) or textile commodities (cotton) are not included in these dataset as they are not publicly available and restrictions apply. All data are monthly and span the period 1986:1 to 2018:7.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Infographic on global leaders
    (Cranfield University, 2016-07-21 08:38) Kelan, Elisabeth
    Infographic from an extensive research project on how men as middle managers can engage in gender inclusive leadership.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Search strategy for the Evidence review for the project: The future of part-time working: the impact of flexible furlough?
    (Cranfield University, 2021-07-13 11:18) Gascoigne, Charlotte; Kelliher, Clare
    Search strategy for the Evidence Review for the ESRC-funded project 'The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and employer perceptions of part-time working: the implications for economic recovery and future working'.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data supporting the publication 'Product-service systems and circular supply chain practices in UK SMEs: The moderating effect of internal environmental orientation'
    (Cranfield University, 2022-04-19 16:54) Kuhl, Carl; Bourlakis, Michael; Aktas, Emel; Skipworth, Heather
    Data file 1. PSSandCSCinUK_JBR.csv Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Many studies uphold product-service systems (PSSs) as key factors for the implementation of circular supply chain (CSC) practices. This paper explores this assumption by testing the links between product-, use- and result-oriented PSSs and slowing, closing, and narrowing CSC practices. It develops and validates survey items that can be used to benchmark CSC practice implementation. In addition, it tests a model that recognises the positive moderating role of internal environmental orientation. A survey is conducted with 114 manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the United Kingdom (UK). Partial least squares structural equation modelling is conducted to evaluate two models. The results show that product-oriented PSSs positively affect the slowing, use-oriented positively affects the closing, and result-oriented positively affects the slowing and the narrowing of resource loops. Internal environmental orientation does not moderate the PSS – CSC relationship, suggesting that less internally environmentally oriented firms are not at a disadvantage.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Linchpin - men, middle managers and gender inclusive leadership
    (Cranfield University, 2016-07-21 08:38) Kelan, Elisabeth
    The final report from an extensive research project on how men as middle managers can engage in gender inclusive leadership.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gender parity report (video)
    (Cranfield University, 2016-07-21 08:38) Kelan, Elisabeth
    Video presentation outlining a research project into how men as middle managers can engage in gender inclusive leadership.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Data underpinning "Green scheduling of a two-machine flowshop: Trade-off between makespan and energy consumption"
    (Cranfield University, 2017-04-24 09:39) Aktas, Emel; Mansouri, Afshin
    Sustainability considerations in manufacturing scheduling, which is traditionally influenced by service oriented performance metrics, have rarely been adopted in the literature. This paper aims to address this gap by incorporating energy consumption as an explicit criterion in shop floor scheduling. Leveraging the variable speed of machining operations leading to different energy consumption levels, we explore the potential for energy saving in manufacturing. We analyze the trade-off between minimizing makespan, a measure of service level and total energy consumption, an indicator for environmental sustainability of a two-machine sequence dependent permutation flowshop. We develop a mixed integer linear multi-objective optimization model to find the Pareto frontier comprised of makespan and total energy consumption. To cope with combinatorial complexity, we also develop a constructive heuristic for fast trade-off analysis between makespan and energy consumption. We define lower bounds for the two objectives under some non-restrictive conditions and compare the performance of the constructive heuristic with CPLEX through design of experiments. The lower bounds that we develop are valid under realistic assumptions since they are conditional on speed factors. The Pareto frontier includes solutions ranging from expedited, energy intensive schedules to prolonged, energy efficient schedules. It can serve as a visual aid for production and sales planners to consider energy consumption explicitly in making quick decisions while negotiating with customers on due dates. We provide managerial insights by analyzing the areas along the Pareto frontier where energy saving can be justified at the expense of reduced service level and vice versa.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Poster Gender Diversity
    (Cranfield University, 2017-06-20 14:14) Laure Humbert, Anne; Gunther, Elisabeth
    This poster outlines the Gender Diversity Index and its main aims.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gender Diversity Index - preliminary considerations and results
    (Cranfield University, 2017-06-20 14:15) Laure Humbert, Anne; Gunther, Elisabeth
    In this report we outline the preliminary concept for the Gender Diversity Index.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Leadership Behaviours for Next Generation Supply Chains - Securing the success of strategic supply chain initiatives today and for tomorrow (interim research report)
    (Cranfield University, 2018-03-13 12:08) Wilding, Richard; Waller,Alan; Habib,Farooq; Wheatley,Malcolm
    Interim research report by the Efeso Consulting and Cranfield School of Management partnership.The report is an interim summary of the findings from the 'Leadership Behaviours for next Generation Supply Chains' research programme. It delineates the principal survey findings, describes the conceptual Supply Chain Leadership framework, and sets the scene for the programme of interviews and workshops that is now underway.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A decision support system to improve service quality in multimodal rapid rail systems: a bayesian perspective
    (Cranfield University, 2018-01-02 09:16) Yanik, Seda; Aktas, Emel; Ilker Topcu, Y
    Presentation of the work in the 41st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering
  • ItemOpen Access
    Commodity Prices-Interest rates
    (Cranfield University, 2022-06-07 08:58) Alexiou, Constantinos
    Data set of commodity prices and interest rates